to do before bed, bedtime routine

9 Essential Things To Do Before Bed

Feb, 22, 2023

This blog post is all about 9 Essential Things To Do Before Bed. 

I believe that if you want to have a successful start to the day, you have to implement a good night routine! In order to have that thriving morning routine or day, you should do a few essential things the night before. 

Here I share how to create a successful morning routine!

Once you have implemented a few essentials to your night routine, you will see what a big difference it makes in your life. What you need to be doing before bed is unique to your life situation and lifestyle. 

9 Essential Things To Do Before Bed

Put Your Kitchen To Sleep

Putting your kitchen to sleep should be your number one priority before going to bed! It will drastically change your life. Waking up to a pile of dishes is something everyone dreads. But waking up to a clean kitchen will make your mornings feel much better, and you’ll be able to relax a little bit and not have to worry about the mess you need to clean. 

Sometimes the last thing you want to do after a long day of work or running after your kiddos is clean, but trust that once you put your kitchen to sleep, you will not look back. Then, instead of taking the time in the morning to clean before breakfast, it will all be done, and you can start cooking right away. 

Do a Timed Clean-Up Around The House

Another thing to help you have a relaxed morning is doing a timed clean-up before bed. The reason why you need to set a timer is to motivate you to clean. It works, trust me! I’ve done this for three years, and anytime I set a timer and it goes off before I’m done, it motivates me to set another one and clean up a little quicker, so I beat the timer! 

A timed clean-up can be done by either setting a 10 or 15-minute timer, picking up things, and putting them back in their home. But, just as no one wants to wake up to a dirty kitchen, nobody wants to wake up to a messy house. 

Put Your Phone Far From Reach

The inclination to use your phone before going to bed is not the ideal thing to do. After a day of being fully overstimulated, the last thing you need is more stimulation. While you might think that you’re “relaxing,” that is very far from the truth. You’re actually doing the opposite of calming your mind and relaxing. The constant scrolling and ingesting of content will not make you feel refreshed; it will only make you feel way more exhausted. 

If you are also the type of person that likes to hit the snooze button setting your phone in an area where you are forced to get up to shut off your alarm is beneficial. It will for sure wake you up and get you out of bed! 

So set your phone far from reach, so you don’t have the natural inclination to reach for it and scroll for another hour or two. 

Get Your Clothes For the Next Day Ready

Set your clothes out the night before, especially if you plan to get an early workout in the morning. Set your workout clothes or daily outfit close to your side of the bed. That way, when you get up, you can easily change. This will remove that extra step in the morning, making it more likely that you’ll work out or at least get ready for the day! The last thing you want to do is hang out in your pajamas every single day. 

Take Your Meat Out of the Freezer

If you plan to have fish, steak, chicken, turkey, etc., take it out the night before and set it in your refrigerator so it can start defrosting. Having it defrosted and ready to cook in your refrigerator will help you avoid eating out or stressing about what to eat.

Talk To Your Significant Other 

Another reason why you want to keep your phone far from reach is to use this free time to talk with your significant other. You can often get too comfortable in your relationship or marriage to the point where you’re not having a real conversation with each other. Sometimes there can be many things on your mind, such as cleaning, work, kids, appointments, you name it, but these are things that will always be there. Your significant other isn’t guaranteed another day. 

Having that conversation before bed can bring the two of you closer together. So instead of unwinding using your phone, talk to your partner. It doesn’t have to be a one-hour conversation, but 15 minutes can make a huge difference.

Put A Load In Your Washer

Put a load of laundry in your washer the night before. You don’t have to start it, but it will give you a headstart to your morning, especially if you do a load of laundry every day. 

Fill Your Water Bottle or Bottles

If you struggle to consume enough water throughout the day, fill a big or few water bottles the night before and set them in your refrigerator. I started doing this because I am one of those individuals who can go a day or two without drinking any water. If you don’t have much room, I recommend getting at least a half-gallon water bottle. This is the one I have used for the past two years, and it has been amazing.

We all know the amazing effects that water has in our day-to-day life and the horrible effects when you don’t consume enough!

Plan The Following Day

In order to have a successful morning and day, you need to plan it the night before. Planning your day the night before will set you up for success better than planning your week on Sundays. For one, our daily lives constantly change, and you never know when something is going to sneak up. So the best thing to do in order for you to avoid being scattered brain is to plan the day before going to bed. 

This is the best daily planner you need to have on your nightstand! There are many reasons to love this to-do list notepad, but the main one is it doesn’t come already dated! Which it’s a win because you don’t have to waste the pages you don’t use.

Conclusion: Essential Things To Do Before Bed 

These are the 9 Essential Things To Do Before Bed, which I highly recommend. It will change the flow of your life, making it less stressful and full of rhythm. Everyone can benefit from implementing a structured night routine. From putting your kitchen to sleep to talking with your partner, doing these will increase your life satisfaction.

Saraa Vega

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Hey there! My name is Saraa. I created the blog Pour Me a Glass to share all the tips & tricks to Homemaking, Building Your Faith, Health & Fitness, and Self-Improvement! My goal is to inspire you to create a joyful home and live a joyful and healthy life!

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