Reading the Bible

How To Start Reading The Bible

Oct, 22, 2022

This post is all about How to Start Reading the Bible. 

Want to learn How to Start Reading the Bible? These are the tried and true tips that have helped me not only start reading the Bible but also continue reading!

How to Start Reading your Bible can seem intimidating, but after reading this blog post, hopefully, you can get started and never stop reading the Bible!

How often have you opened up your Bible to Geneses Chapter 1 Verse 1, read a few chapters to feel the boredom creep in, and realized that you’re only moving your eyes, not actually reading or understanding? If you agree with the question. SAME GIRL, SAME. And for those who didn’t. You are superior, lol.

But we’ve all been there; we open the Bible with excitement, read a few verses or chapters, and then store it away to collect dust. Have we not?? To others, reading the Bible is intimidating!

Today I want to share some advice on how to start reading the Bible so that you read it and not let it collect dust.

Best Tips to start reading the Bible

first and foremost, start with a prayer

Always start with prayer. It doesn’t have to be half an hour long (unless you want it to be) but pray for wisdom, discernment, and understanding. Ask God for his Holy Spirit. Pray that God molds your heart and personality in his way. To allow you to understand and follow his ways. 

Choose a bible you can understand

Choosing a Bible that you can understand is crucial. They will keep your attention and help you understand the meaning of the scriptures. If you have a difficult time reading the King James Version, then opt out for the American Standard Version, the New World Translation. 

One thing I highly encourage when picking a Bible is choosing one that contains God’s name, YHWH, Yahweh, or Jehovah. God’s name may be written differently depending on which Bible you choose. Still, it is essential to choose such a Bible so you can understand when the Bible is referencing God (YHWH, Yahweh, Jehovah) or Jesus Christ. 

Set a time aside

Set a designated time aside for your bible reading. A time that works for you, free of distractions and while you still have energy. If reading doesn’t work for you as soon as you wake up, don’t do it! But, on the other hand, if you do it after you’ve eaten breakfast or cleaned a little, then do it. 

There will be seasons in your life where you can read your Bible for hours at a time or minutes at a time. The important thing is that you are trying to read and apply biblical principles in your life!

For example, I start my morning by working a little bit, enjoying breakfast, and the start reading my Bible for about an hour or two. Generally, this is from 11 or 12 to 1 or 2 pm. Now not every season of my life is like that. Sometimes I read at night, or while waiting somewhere, I take my phone out and start reading the Bible. 

Do what works for YOU but set that time aside. 

You can start reading the bible in whatever order you would like

The most common misconception is that people think they have to start with the book Geneses.

That is not true.

The Bible is a fascinating puzzle where you match the pieces up as you continue reading. So the more you read, the more you will start connecting the dots. For example, many things foretold in Isaiah were mentioned in the book of Matthew and so on.  

Start where you feel called to. 

For example, I started in the book of Proverbs because I wanted to know what God expected from me. Then I moved on to the smaller books in the Bible until I finished those, and then I started reading the New Testament. 

I think there is the option nowadays to get a Bible that is in Chronological order if you are interested in that! 


The best way to be present and awake while reading your Bible is to Highlight! It is so motivating to see how much you have read. It also helps you remember verses more often than just sitting down and reading without jotting anything down. 


Make the highlighters represent something for you. For example, you can use the color blue to represent prophecy, purple to represent God, and green for Jesus Christ. Match the colors to something you will be able to remember so that the next time you open your Bible, you can still remember what each means. 


In this other blog post, I mention the Best Bible highlighters that you need! 

Reading the Bible
Highlighting is Your Best friend

Look It up

Looking up the places, the people, and the meaning of words brings tremendous insight! It also makes it more real and personal, and you start building that connection with Jehovah and Jesus Christ. Google images show many pictures of where Jesus Christ was in the world and where the disciples were. While most places aren’t in the best condition, it is still impressive to see where exactly things happened. 

Don’t ignore the fire that’s burning inside of you to continue reading the bible

Once you start building your relationship with Jehovah and Jesus Christ, you will begin to feel a fire inside your soul to keep seeking, reading, praying, and focusing on The Word. Please do not ignore it.! If you need to read the word and are in the middle of making dinner, get your bible and start reading while cooking.

You can also download a Bible app and have it read to you while you’re doing things. 


In this blog post, we covered a few ways How to Start Reading the Bible. Reading the Bible can seem daunting but let me tell you, it changes your life like no other. There is no other place where you can receive such great wisdom. You will also learn about the love that God has for every single one of us and everything that Jesus Christ went through on Earth! 

It’s amazing!

Saraa Vega

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Hey there! My name is Saraa. I created the blog Pour Me a Glass to share all the tips & tricks to Homemaking, Building Your Faith, Health & Fitness, and Self-Improvement! My goal is to inspire you to create a joyful home and live a joyful and healthy life!

GODS NAME | Exodus 3 : 13-15
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