workout routine, stay at home mom workout

Workout Routine | 4 Things You Should AVOID When You Start

Jan, 29, 2023

This Blog Post is all about Things You Should Not Do When Starting A Workout Routine. 

Trying to figure out the do’s and don’ts when starting a workout routine can seem daunting and confusing. You might have even read blog posts contradicting the other person’s words. I mean, there is all sorts of information out there!

I was once also looking for answers as to what I should and should not be doing before starting a workout routine. I didn’t find quite precisely the correct information. I learned it as I went. 

And boy, there are many things that I would’ve loved to know before starting my workout routine/fitness journey! This is why I will share with you guys 4 things you AVOID doing when starting a workout routine. This is a beginner’s friendly blog post!

Things You Should Not Do When Starting A Workout Routine

Do not buy supplements (just yet)

When starting your fitness journey, the last thing on your list should be supplements, at least for the first few weeks. The reason why you should wait is because you don’t even know if you need any supplements just yet. You can, more often than not, do more harm to your body by introducing new supplements out of the blue. Also, the majority of them are filled with harmful chemicals that can cause digestive or cardiac health issues.

If you decide to get supplements, I recommend starting with BCAAs, greens, or a good light Pre-Workout. The last thing I would recommend you get is Protein powders, protein shakes, or protein bars. First off, they are expensive, and it takes so much money and time to find a flavor that is actually drinkable or edible. Second, you can get an excellent amount of protein from red meat, chicken, or fish. Third, no supplement will compare to real foods nor give you the amount of nutrients you need from supplements. 

If you buy a pre-workout powder, don’t take a full scoop

Repeat after me, “I will not take a full scoop of pre-workout.” This was the biggest mistake I made. 

 (I want to preface this by saying I never drank energy drinks or pre-workout.)

When I first took the full scoop of pre-workout, I literally felt like I was going to get a heart attack! The back of my neck felt warm, and I couldn’t breathe. I felt sharp pains in my chest and, oddly, in my brain, and then my vision was blurry. I don’t think I’ve ever left the gym so quickly, and after that, I didn’t take another scoop of pre-workout for like 4 years.

If you start taking a pre-workout, start with half a scoop until you feel like you need the full scoop. You will likely not need to take a full scoop unless you are religiously drinking it before a workout. Pre-workout is another supplement that you don’t need but could be useful for the days when you lack energy. It is not something you should religiously take since it has a lot of caffeine, which can result in heart problems down the road.

Use social media for inspiration, not comparison

Use Social Media for inspiration, but do not use it for comparison. Social Media is an excellent tool for free workouts, learning the proper form, and motivation. Unfortunately, it is often not used for these things but to compare our bodies. I think the majority of the time, when people buy fitness plans from influencers, it’s to look and have the same body build as they do. This will more than likely not happen. We are all built differently and have different genetics. 

Lightning, posing, intense flexing, and a little Photoshop will make the average Joe look incredible. Always keep in mind that many Instagram or TikTok fitness influencers will only post pictures that make them look the best. 

Don’t go hard on the first week of Your workout routine

First of all, going hard the first few days will only result in you being extremely sore. This will discourage you from returning since you might struggle to even sit on the toilet or go up a few flights of stairs for a few days. There is also no benefit to your body when you do this.

During the first few weeks, you should focus on learning the correct form for workouts, developing the mind-to-muscle mentality, and, most importantly, getting those first few workouts in. Not having the proper form can cause serious injury, especially if you start lifting heavy and have an incorrect form. Lifting lighter, focusing on your form, and building that mind-to-muscle mentality is much better. 

Building that “mind to muscle” mentality means focusing on the muscle group you are working out as you move. This is a great habit to develop because then you will know if you’re working out the specific muscle group or using other muscles instead. It can take some time to create this habit and to be able to do it without thinking about it.

Conclusion: Workout Routine

Starting your workout routine is exciting, and wanting to go all in is awesome, but sometimes slow is best. Out of all the advice in this post, the one thing I will stand firm for forever is not to compare yourself to fitness influencers. Use them as inspiration to continue working out, and know that if you put in the same effort they do, you will see the results of your hard work!

Also, keep in mind that the best way to maintain a healthy diet isn’t through supplements. It’s by eating real foods that don’t come with extra preservatives or fillers. More often than not, the majority of the supplements on the market don’t include all the health benefits that they advertise. You may not need any extra supplementation either, so you do you, and do what’s best for your body!

You can continue reading here if you want to know how to start your fitness journey!

Saraa Vega

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Hey there! My name is Saraa. I created the blog Pour Me a Glass to share all the tips & tricks to Homemaking, Building Your Faith, Health & Fitness, and Self-Improvement! My goal is to inspire you to create a joyful home and live a joyful and healthy life!

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