being a great homemaker, being a good homemaker

Characteristics of a Great Homemaker

Nov, 16, 2022

This blog post is all about the characteristics of a great Homemaker!

I’ve learned a few tips and tricks throughout my few years as a homemaker. One of my biggest lessons is that you don’t become a great homemaker overnight. It takes time. Time to figure out your new work style, schedule, cleaning hacks, and cooking style; basically, every little thing takes time to figure out.

But the only way to be a great homemaker is by having great characteristics, which I will share below.

Some of these require more effort to execute than others, but the results are worth it!

Characteristics of a Great Homemaker


Self-discipline is “the ability to control one’s feelings and overcome one’s weaknesses; the ability to pursue what one thinks is right despite temptations to abandon it.” – google.

As a homemaker, you have daily tasks that must be completed for your household to function properly.

In order to get anything done, you need to have self-discipline.

If you lack this trait, it can be detrimental to yourself and everyone in your home. Being disciplined in anything you do will bring you greater success than any other trait!

For one, you will ultimately control how you spend your time. Second, having a sense of control can eventually increase your self-esteem because you know you can complete your responsibilities. Lastly, when you implement this trait, you will realize you have much more free time.

Instead of dragging out your priorities, you’ll be able to finish them in a timely manner!


We live in a world where we are told and encouraged to put ourselves first above all.

Above God, above family, above your spouse, etc.

Anything and everything we are supposed to only think about ourselves and what will benefit us in the short run and long run. Interestingly, you are told and encouraged to put yourself first in Western society, yet it is also the loneliest, most depressed society.

Being part of a community is good.

Putting the needs of others above yours is good.

Relying on others is good.

We often think that if we start putting others first, they will lose respect or view us as a weak link, but that is not the case. An individual who puts their husband and children first gains their respect. They know they can rely on you for anything and everything because you will be there for them without fail.

Just because you develop the trait of selflessness does not mean you can never think or take care of yourself.

As an individual, you still need “me” time. This is when you go work out, reserve a day for personal activities, or what I call a golden day! This is a day where you and your significant other agree that you will be free of your duties and do something sweet for yourself, such as a spa day or a day where you do whatever you like!

You can implement this either once a week, once a month, or whatever works for your household.

Rewarding with good, not bad…

Always take the high road.

I know there will be times when your spouse says or does something that upsets you, but don’t repay with not cooking a meal, not doing the laundry, not making his lunch, etc.

Instead, cook the meal, do the laundry, make his lunch, and go the extra step to show your love. This will more than likely mend the argument and unite you two together.

You have an idea in your head of what makes a perfect marriage, right? Will repaying bad with bad get you to that ideal marriage?

And if you don’t want to do it for your husband, do it for God!

Because he sees everything and will reward you highly when you repay someone with good when they wronged you! It’s also a great example to teach your kids that you don’t need to repay bad with bad. In a marriage, sometimes one or the other will do or say something that’s not nice, but it doesn’t mean it gives you a pass to say something worse.



Proverbs 11:7
A kind man benefits himself, But the cruel person brings trouble on himself.
Proverbs 16:21
The wise in heart will be called understanding, And the one kind in speech adds persuasiveness.
Galatians 5:22
On the other hand, the fruitage of the spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faith, mildness, and self-control.

Kindness is something you don’t see often.

Everyone is ready to defend their side without listening or considering another perspective.

And sometimes people are just rude just to be rude! You may have encountered someone so unkind and entitled that they left you shocked at one point or another! I bet it’s way more prevalent now than at any other time, but kindness is an amazing trait to have!

Kindness can bring a whole community together and experience tremendous peace and bliss!

Developing this trait is simple and straightforward; it all starts with you!

For one, it also requires the quality of selflessness because to be kind, you’re doing it for others, not yourself. You’re giving compliments, being generous, or helping out when someone needs it without expecting anything in return.

One way to show kindness in your household is to give compliments when your spouse or children help you do something, even if it’s the bare minimum. It’s showing empathy to your kiddos when they’re going through something that might seem like the end of the world.

There are many ways to show kindness.

You have to think about your household and in areas where you can show your kindness.

Don’t Become a Lazy Homemaker

Proverbs 31:27
She watches over the activity of her household, And the bread of laziness she does not eat.
Psalm 128:2
You will eat what your hands worked hard to produce. You will be happy and will enjoy prosperity.
Ecclesiastes 10:18
Because of extreme laziness the roof beams sag, and because of idle hand the house leaks.
Proverbs 6:6
Go to the ant, you lazy one; Observe its way and become wise.
Proverbs 22:13

The lazy one says: “There is a lion outside! I will be killed in the middle of the public square!”

This is my favorite and most motivating scripture in the Bible!

How often do you make an excuse as to why something is not being done? How many hours did you spend on social media instead of cleaning, spending time with God, cooking, or running errands? Or use the excuse of “ahh, I don’t feel like doing it”? 

I know I have, and more than once!

I put other things above my responsibilities and priorities. That scripture speaks to me because that person set excuses for not going out and doing what they needed to be doing. 

God disapproves of a lazy person. 

He doesn’t approve of those who do not move a single muscle and lounge around all day.

I also want to remind you that he does this for our benefit. If we do not work, we cannot afford housing or food; if we do not have housing or food, we are starving and homeless.

So it’s a provision to us that we know we need to work. And as a homemaker, if you don’t cook, clean, or take care of your husband and/or children, it will take a toll on everyone.

How can you avoid developing the trait of laziness?

For one, every night, make a list of what needs to be done the following morning.

Two, create a schedule that works for you and keeps you motivated and productive throughout the day. We often procrastinate and don’t complete the tasks that need to be completed because we don’t know where to start.

Third, do tasks the night before that will make your life easier the next day.

Fourth, ask your spouse or children if they need anything. 

If you have completed all your daily dues, then it’s time to relax. Just make the best use of your time! Ephesians 5:16

A Happy Homemaker

Happiness is all about mindset.

If you view your life negatively, it will impact your happiness, but if you look at your life positively, you will likely be happier.

Being a happy homemaker creates a warm and welcoming home. One where your spouse and children want to be around all the time because of the light and laughter you bring into their lives.

Now, of course, we all have our days where we are not in the best mood, and nothing seems to be going right, or we wake up on the wrong side of the bed, or when that time of the month comes around, and the patience and temper is short.

But there is a difference between having a bad day compared to a daily negative attitude. Nobody wants to be around someone who only views the negatives in every little situation. I mean, not even a dog wants to be around a person like that.

If you are a person who views the negatives more than the positives, don’t be discouraged; there is time to change and reflect. Dig deep and ask yourself why you look at the negatives instead of the positives. Is it a protective wall? Is it to avoid being disappointed? Are your hormones out of whack? Is your Vitamin D low?

proverbs 31 women, proverbs 31 verse

Being a Capable Wife

Proverbs 31 has an abundance of wisdom on how to be a Capable Wife.

To summarize, it is rewarding good with bad, hardworking, and taking delight in anything your hands do. It is also someone who takes care of her family and house, provides them with the proper clothing throughout all seasons, and ensures they have full bellies.

Finally, a woman fears Jehovah (YHWH) and trusts her creator wholeheartedly.

Being a capable wife is not far-fetched.

With guidance from God, self-discipline, and applying Bible principles, you can also be a Capable Wife. It is something you will learn to do with time and something that will come easy to you after years of doing it.

Characteristics of a Great Homemaker

A rundown of a few Characteristics of a Great Homemaker are…

  • Being Self-Disciplined
  • Self-less
  • Rewarding With Good, Not Bad
  • Kindness
  • Not a Lazy Homemaker
  • A Happy Homemaker
  • Being a Capable Homemaker

It takes time to develop great characteristics and habits as a homemaker. If there is one or more from the list that you are lacking, don’t be hard on yourself. Give yourself grace.

There is no such thing as the perfect homemaker. But there are ways you can improve your homemaking!

Saraa Vega

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Hey there! My name is Saraa. I created the blog Pour Me a Glass to share all the tips & tricks to Homemaking, Building Your Faith, Health & Fitness, and Self-Improvement! My goal is to inspire you to create a joyful home and live a joyful and healthy life!

GODS NAME | Exodus 3 : 13-15
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