Vision Board Ideas

VISION BOARD | The BEST Way To Create Your Vision Board For 2023

Dec, 25, 2022

This blog post is about Creating Your Vision Board for 2023.

Vision boards are ideal if you are the type of person who plans every aspect of your life and is goal-oriented. One of the best things about having a vision board is seeing your future through images. Unlike when you generally write goals down in your journal, close it, and forget about them until you open it again. Having a vision board and seeing it every single day is inspiring and motivating. A vision board helps you stay on track and continue pushing even when things get tough.

Another reason why you should create a vision board is it encourages enthusiasm for the year. If you’re the type of person who prefers to express yourself by using images, gifs, and memes, then a vision board will benefit you. Images stimulate your drive to complete your short-term and long-term goals.

This is my second year using the vision board method, and I will never go back to just writing down my goals.

Create Your Vision Board For 2023

Items You Need

If you are creating a physical vision board, you will need a few things to get started. Unless you want to poke holes in your wall, I suggest getting a Cork Board, White Board, or one that is half and half. If you are on a tight budget, I recommend looking for a board at your local Thrift Stores, Walmart, Amazon, HomeGoods, or an At Home first. The bigger the Cork Board or White Board, the more pricey it will be. I recommend getting a decent-sized board because images take up a lot of space, and it’s better to have more space than not enough. Don’t forget the pushpins while you’re at it.

To be able to print images, you can either invest in a printer (I don’t recommend it unless you are going to use it for more than this once) or use your public library to print out the images. The public library charges about 5-10 cents per page which is a much better deal than a 100$ printer. Last but not least, scissors. 

Quote or Word

The first thing you need to include in your vision board before anything is an inspiring quote, bible verse, or your word of the year. If you choose a quote, it doesn’t matter if it’s cringy to others but if it motivates you and moves you into a good head space, then use it. You want to choose a quote you want to live by for the year. You feel grounded again and ready to take on anything and everything you have planned when you read it. It is the same thing with choosing a Bible Verse.

If you chose to do the word of the year, think of what you would like to experience in 2023. If you are the individual who turns down events or meeting new people, maybe it could be “saying yes.” Yes, to getting out of your comfort zone. Or maybe 2022 was a little chaotic for you, and you want to sit back in 2023 and find peace. Whatever it is, try to mediate and think about what you would like to experience in 2023. 

Write down your Vision for 2023

Before you start looking for pictures, write down what you envision your life will be like in 2023. What goals would you like to accomplish, and by when? Write it down before you look at pictures. Focus on your own life and conclude what you want instead of getting inspiration from others and using that. It is easy to look at pictures on Pinterest and Instagram and determine that that is the life you want, but in reality, it’s not your core belief.  This area requires deep self-reflection, and it might take a few days to figure it out.

Where You Can Get Images for Inspiration

First, if you have grandparents, ask if they have any magazines they no longer use. That’s where I got most of my pictures the first time. You can definitely find pictures for just about anything in magazines. If magazines are not an option, then use Pinterest or Google. Search images related to your goal and print them out at your local library. Try to choose aesthetically pleasing pictures for your eyes, so you feel encouraged when you look at your board. 

Divide Your Vision Board into Categories

To keep your vision board neat and organized, section it by categories. Specific categories can be health & fitness, finance, self-care, books you want to read, projects you want to take on, personal changes, relationships, career goals, and more. Keeping these categories organized will give you a clear vision. 

Conclusion: Vision Board

As you can tell by how short this blog post is, creating a Vision Board is so simple and satisfying. The best part about a Vision Board is coming back to it at the end of the year and seeing how much you achieved. Witnessing areas where the Good Lord blessed you brings such immense joy, gratitude, and encouragement for the following year! As long as you focus on what YOU want, your 2023 will be full of excitement!

Saraa Vega

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Hey there! My name is Saraa. I created the blog Pour Me a Glass to share all the tips & tricks to Homemaking, Building Your Faith, Health & Fitness, and Self-Improvement! My goal is to inspire you to create a joyful home and live a joyful and healthy life!

GODS NAME | Exodus 3 : 13-15
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