books to read

5 Most Useful Books to Read for Homemakers

Jan, 25, 2023

This Blog Post is all about ” The 5 MOST USEFUL Books to Read For Homemakers.”

In my three years as a Homemaker, I have discovered a passion for reading that I never knew existed. I have read plenty of books that, even though they have nothing to do with Homemaking, have made me a better Homemaker and Wife. I thought that the only books I should read to help me learn how to be the best Homemaker were those explicitly created for Homemakers, but that was not the case. These 5 Books to Read are not tradiotnal Homemaking books, but they have taught me great lessons in life!

Here are a few that I will share that have helped me develop systems and habits, encouraged me to go out of my comfort zone, and helped me build my faith. All of these books besides the CSB BIBLE are under $20! Which I find to be an amazing and reasonable price for all these books.

5 Most Useful Books To Read As Homemakers


I just invested some money into a new Bible, and let me tell you, this has to be my ALL TIME FAVORITE BIBLE! You can buy the NIV or the CSB Translation, which are both great. There is enough space on the sides to either draw or write some notes down, which is perfect. I have always struggled to find a Bible with enough room to write notes, but this one is perfect! This Illustrating Bible might not be one you carry with you because it’s literally like a college textbook! The text can be on the small side for some, but I find it to be ideal.

Click on the image below to view the Bible:


You may have heard about this book since it has recently gained much popularity. I still HIGHLY HIGHLY recommend getting this book, especially if you need help setting routines, habits, or systems for your household! I have read this book front to back about 3 times since 2019. It contains great information on setting systems that help you reach your goals and complete any task you have in mind.

What I also love about this book is that you have access to getting free printables online. These printables are extremely helpful since they are made to keep you focused on your goals. The one printable I use to this day is the “Habit Tracker,” which has helped me lose 25+ pounds. I set systems that help me succeed in Homemaking, and it’s just overall great to see your progress.


I could not put it down at all when I first started reading this book! I read it in a week, and I still go back to it to get any sort of motivation. Now you might be thinking, “How in the world is a book based on being in the military related to Homemaking?” First, let me encourage you to read books that are not all about cooking, cleaning, organizing, etc. There is more to being a Homemaker than all of the above.

“Most wars are won or lost in our own heads, and when we’re in a foxhole, we usually aren’t alone, and we need to be confident in the quality of the heart, mind, and dialogue of the person hunkered down with us.” – David Goggins

Often as Homemakers, we think we have limitations to doing certain things. Or we make excuses as to why we can’t work out, homeschool the kids, cook certain meals, bake, create our sourdough starter, wake up early, etc.

But Can’t Hurt Me Taught me I can and will if I set my mind to it and control the thoughts that tell me I can’t.


I went back and forth in getting this book because I felt like it would be written in a how to manipulate others kind of way, but it was far from that. There was so much truth in this book that I applied in my marriage. While it’s probably not meant at all to be a marriage book, it has excellent advice, especially if you are one who doesn’t actively listen when your significant other is talking. Or maybe you may be the type of person who criticizes every move your husband or children make (even if you don’t realize it).

Another thing I really loved about this book is that at the end of each chapter, it includes principles that highlight the entire chapter in one sentence. There are just many lovely chapters that you can apply into your Homemaking.


This is an amazing basic book on preserving your food. It has a lot of essential recipes and excellent side information on how to set up your pressure cooker depending on your altitude, how long everything takes, etc. It is a book I recommend for beginners for sure! You can find soft spreads, salsa, relish, chutney, condiments, pickles & fermentations in this book.

Conclusion: Most Useful Books To Read As A Homemaker

I HIGHLY RECOMMEND every single one of these books. They are so motivating and inspiring! My top 3 that I recommend out of all five are The Illustrating Bible, Atomic Habits, & How to Win Friends & Influence People! While four of the five are non-traditional homemaking books, you can learn so much from them. They don’t give you clear instructions on how to cook, clean, or maintain a home, but applying systems, breaking barriers, and gaining confidence will help you tackle any project at home or within yourself.

If you need help with managing your time, in this blog post, I share 3 Simple Ways to Manage Your Time as a Homemaker!

Thanks for being here with me today,


Saraa (:

Saraa Vega

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Hey there! My name is Saraa. I created the blog Pour Me a Glass to share all the tips & tricks to Homemaking, Building Your Faith, Health & Fitness, and Self-Improvement! My goal is to inspire you to create a joyful home and live a joyful and healthy life!

GODS NAME | Exodus 3 : 13-15
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