morning routine

6 Essential Ways to Create a Successful Morning Routine 

Feb, 10, 2023

Creating a Successful Morning Routine is Essential in starting your day! It sets the tone. And if you start it off on a great foot, then you will have a fulfilled and productive day. You’ll also start incorporating things you love and realize that when you have a routine down, you have a sense of flow to your day. 

You will go through a lot of trial and error when creating your Morning Routine. This blog post discusses waking up at the right time, sleep cycles, habits, and more! All of these are essential to creating your morning routine. You can often find morning routines from other creators but remember to create one that works for you, not for someone else. Finding inspiration and getting ideas is okay, but you live a different life and lifestyle at the end of the day. 

A morning routine can provide you with a sense of control in your life. It will surely boost your productivity in areas you want it to. Morning routines can also help with your anxiety since you are doing repetitive behaviors, which can keep you calm. 


Waking Up At The Right Time

The number one way to have a successful morning routine starts with waking up at a time that works for you! More often than not, you might get motivated by a famous Guru who tells you they wake up at 3:00 am, and that’s when successful people wake up. And well, while that may work out for them, it probably will not for you. Unless you want to start waking up really early, then by all means, go ahead. But finding the right wake window for you will help you stay consistent in your morning routine. Whether that is at 4:00 am, 6:00 am, or 8:00 am, if it works, it works. 

Getting The Right Amount of Sleep

When trying to determine the best time for you to wake up, it’s also crucial to consider what time you will be going to sleep. In order to wake up refreshed, you want to wake up once you’re out of your sleep cycle. Many online websites help you determine what time is best for you to go to sleep and when to wake up. For example, if you type into Google “Sleep Calculators,” you will find many options that help you determine the best sleep and wake-up times. I have done this for years, and it has helped me tremendously. 

One benefit of using the sleep calculator is that you will feel awake, refreshed, and energized when you wake up after your sleep cycle is complete, unlike if you were to wake up in the middle of a cycle. When you wake up in the middle of your sleep cycle, you will feel groggy, tired, lack focus, and irritable. There is also a lot of healing that goes into every single stage of the sleep cycle, and when you abruptly wake up, it can make the body unable to repair the damage. 

Setting A Purpose For Your Morning Routine

Why do you want to create a morning routine? Figuring out your “Why” in this matter is essential because if you don’t even know why you want to start doing it, how will you stick to it? Are you currently waking up every morning feeling scattered brain? Are you waking up feeling like there is no purpose because you’re out of tune? 

Knowing the purpose of your morning routine is important, specifically when the days come and you’re questioning why you’re even doing certain things.

Creating Useful Habits

According to Google, a habit takes about 66 days to become something you do automatically. So keep this in mind every day when you feel like not working on a habit you know will benefit you in the long run. Creating habits for your morning routine will help you acquire rhythm for your day. After all, you probably want to get on a routine so you can get things done.

If you struggle to wake up in the mornings and you often find yourself snoozing your alarm. Create the habit of putting your phone on the opposite side of the room so it will encourage you to get out of bed and shut it off. Habits such as these will help you become disciplined and fall into your desired routine.

Time Blocking

Time blocking is essential for creating a morning routine. The time-blocking method is done by setting chunks of time aside for specific projects. For example, you may want to start journaling in the morning. You can time Block it for 8-8:30 am, which is all you will do during that time. This is great, especially for people who get easily distracted going from one thing to the next without realizing it. 

Time blocking helps you increase your productivity and consistency. This will also help with developing your habits over time. It will also help you remain focused on whatever task you are doing instead of switching from one thing to another. 

Google Calendar is my all-time favorite calendar to use when it comes to time blocking. You can categorize your activities by colors which I personally love. And it also includes all hours of the day, which is handy! I’ve often bought planners where the day starts at 8 am, and it did not specifically work for me. 

Here’s an example of how I Time Block My Days. 

Become Disciplined in Your Morning Routine

If you really want it, you will do it no matter what. Starting is easy. You’ll feel highly motivated the first few days, even the first week or two, but that motivation will fade. You will hit a rut and start to think, “Why am I even doing this?” Maybe today I will sleep in just another hour or two. And then a week goes by, and you’re no longer sticking to your morning routine. So back to square one, you go. 

Discipline is something you need after your motivation fades. Your purpose should drive your discipline. Suppose there is an area where you struggle, instead of putting it on the back burner, figure out why it’s a struggle. Find ways to overcome it or find a solution to it. If developing discipline is something you struggle with, I recommend reading the book Atomic Habits by James Clear or Can’t Hurt Me by David Goggins. Both have really encouraged me to develop a mindest of creating systems and breaking boundaries.

Conclusion: Successful Morning Routine

The right wake-up time, the right amount of sleep, a purpose, valuable habits, time blocking, and being disciplined are all great ways to build a successful morning routine. However, creating a great routine takes time. Figuring out how long specific tasks take or what time works best for you to wake up will take time. You will have to run experiments until you figure out the right concoction for you.

Saraa Vega

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Hey there! My name is Saraa. I created the blog Pour Me a Glass to share all the tips & tricks to Homemaking, Building Your Faith, Health & Fitness, and Self-Improvement! My goal is to inspire you to create a joyful home and live a joyful and healthy life!

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