how to begin reading your bible

How To Begin Reading Your Bible 

Apr, 25, 2023

This blog post is about, How to Begin Reading Your Bible.

When you begin reading your Bible, it can be overwhelming. You may have started reading your Bible countless times and quit feeling more overwhelmed and confused than ever before. 

We’ve all been there! 

Reading your Bible is the BEST way to build a relationship with God. (Jehovah | YHWH) After all, he provided and preserved His Word throughout all these years so people can get to know Him, his purpose, your purpose, and for you to build a bond with Him. And the best way to gain all these things is by reading His Word daily. 

If you are longing and craving to build that relationship with God, begin by reading your Bible. The more you read, the more you will feel your heart growing fond of His Word and your Faith becoming firm. 

In this blog post, you will find the importance of choosing a Bible you understand, the types of Bibles, Bible Study Groups, Building your Bible Reading Plan, Bible Study Journaling, and the Power of Prayer. 

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How To Begin Reading Your Bible

Choose a Bible You Understand 

The most important thing you can do when you begin reading your Bible is to buy a Bible you can fully understand. More often than not, people quit reading their Bible because they can’t stand the King James Version. All of Shakespeare’s writing can drive you up a wall, especially if you don’t understand the language.  

The Bibles that are simple and easy to understand are the New International Version, the Christian Standard Bible, and the English Standard Version Bible. You can find many options on Amazon. A few favorites are This Illustrating Christan Standard Bible, This New International Version, or This English Standard Version

If you prefer to read The Bible on your phone, many apps have different translations of the Bible within the app, and some are audible. 

Types of Bibles 

There are many types of Bibles out there! These bible versions are among the most popular.

Many versions of Bibles are out there; these are the most popular. The only difference between all of them is the way they are translated. 

For example, verses Matthew 10:5-7 in the New International Version Bible states,

“These twelve Jesus sent out with the following instructions: “Do not go among the Gentiles or enter any town of the Samaritan. Go rather to the lost sheep of Israel. As you go, proclaim this message: ‘The kingdom of heaven has come near.’

While the same verses in the King James Version state,

“These twelve sent forth, and commanded them, saying, Go not into the way of the Gentiles, and into any city of the Samaritans enter ye not: But go rather to the lost sheep of the house of Israel. And as ye go, preach, saying, The kingdom of heaven is at hand.” 

And the last example, the American Standard Version states,

“These twelve Jesus sent forth, and charged them, saying, Go not into any way of the Gentiles, and enter not into any city of the Samaritans: but go rather to the lost sheep of the house of Israel. And as ye go, preach, saying, The kingdom of heaven is at hand. 

These three different types of Bibles state the same thing. There are just certain words that are translated for better understanding. 

Chronological Order Bible 

When you first start reading the Bible, you often close it feeling more confused than ever before. Since parts of the Bible have been written at different times and certain prophecies are presented in one book and completed in another, it’s hard to understand and follow when you first start reading. 

Getting a Chronological Order Bible might be your best bet when you begin reading your Bible. It will provide clarity and guidance when you begin reading your Bible. You will also be able to follow along with the historical and cultural events that occurred.

The BEST Chronological Order Bible is The One Year Chronological Bible.

Bible Study Group 

Joining a Bible Study Group is another great way to begin reading your Bible. It’s a great option and opportunity to hear how others apply certain scriptures to their life and their perspective. It will also encourage you to continue reading the Bible every week. 

When you join a study group, there are sections of The Bible that you will read every week. Then you will all get together on a specific day to discuss what you’ve read. You may hear group members share their personal stories or insights about the scriptures. Many also ask questions that deepen the conversation and get you thinking outside the box. 

Getting together with a bible study group can help you deepen your understanding of biblical scriptures and build your faith in God. 

Create a Bible Reading Plan 

When you begin reading your Bible, come up with a Bible Reading Plan.

Write Your “Why”

You want to start your Bible reading plan with your “why.” Understanding your “why” is vital when you are reading your Bible. For one, if you lose the motivation to continue reading or you’re going through a dry spiritual season going back and looking at your “why” can ignite a fire within you, helping you get back on track.

Second, it’s important for you to do some self-reflection and see why you want to start your Bible reading journey. Is it to gain an understanding of The Word? Is it pure curiosity? Or is it to deepen your faith and relationship with God?

Whatever it is, write down your “why.”

Set a Goal

The second thing when you create your bible reading plan is to set a goal. You can set a daily, weekly, monthly, or yearly goal. For example, maybe your plan is to read the entire Bible in a calendar year. How are you going to achieve this goal? 

Make sure you are as descriptive as possible. Include your how, when, what, and where. A few examples of how you can phrase each question is

Where are you going to read your Bible?

You want to make sure you start reading in an area comfortable but not too comfy, where you might fall asleep as soon as you sit there. You also want to be in a place where you are free from distractions. 

When or how often are you going to read your Bible?

If you have set the goal of reading your Bible in a year, then you should start reading it daily. Make sure you read your Bible when you have the energy. Whether that is in the mornings or nights, make sure you schedule your Bible reading when you can fully indulge in it.

What chapters are you going to start reading, or in what order? 

The best place to start reading your Bible is in The New Testament. Preferably starting with the shorter books such as Galatians, Ephesians, Philippians, 1 Thessalonians, 2 Thessalonians, 1 & 2 Timothy, Titus, Philemon, Hebrews, etc. These scriptures provide such profound wisdom and are easy to read. 

You can also find many printables online that plan out which books of The Bible to read and how many chapters or verses to read every day. There are also many that focus on certain topics and themes. 

How will you ensure you complete your daily, weekly, or monthly bible reading? 

The most important question to ask yourself is how you will make sure you complete your bible reading. For example, will you set reminders on your phone? Will you have your Bible next to your coffee station every morning? Or Will you have an accountability partner? However you choose to answer this question, it’s vital to really come up with a way that will keep you consistent with your Bible reading. 

Use a Journal or Notebook

A Bible Study Journal or Notebook is essential when reading the Bible. You can jot down any questions, thoughts, or scriptures you would like to memorize, or a reflection about the verses you read. 

Keeping a journal or notebook can also help you stay engaged when reading scriptures and allow you to process the information. It’s also a great way to track your progress throughout the year and see your spiritual growth throughout this time.

You can also use your journal or notebook as a way to write down your prayers.


Matthew 21:22 “And all the things you ask in prayer, having faith, you will receive.”

1 Thessalonians 5:17 “Pray constantly.”

Before you begin reading your Bible, say a prayer. Ask for the holy spirit to guide you and give you understanding. For God to mold your heart the way he wants it to be and to give you the power to change as your read and apply biblical principles to your life. To keep the enemy away as you dedicate this time to build and nourish your relationship with God. 

You also want to end your Bible reading with a prayer. Speak your little heart out. 

Ask Questions or Seek Help 

If you need help to understand certain scriptures, ask or seek help. Reach out to your local church, a pastor, a brother, or sister. Choose someone who is strong in their faith and who has a deep understanding of scripture. 

There are also many resources online, such as blogs or YouTube videos, that can assist you in gaining a deeper insight into the scriptures.

Conclusion: How to Begin Reading Your Bible

Building your relationship with God through His word will give you courage, faith, and a strong hold on Him during the good and the bad times in your life. Reading His word is the best way to build this relationship with Him. That all starts by reading your Bible, selecting a Bible you understand, joining a bible study group, creating a bible reading plan, journaling during your bible study, and praying. 

The MOST IMPORTANT THING TO KEEP IN MIND is that it’s much better to read a few verses, meditate on them, and apply them in your life instead of reading the entire Bible and not understanding or applying biblical principles in your life.

Saraa Vega

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