characteristics of a christian woman

20 Great Characteristics of a Christian Woman

May, 03, 2023

Many Characteristics of a Christian Woman are clearly stated in The Bible. To name all of them and add explanations to each would take a few chapters or books if we go in depth. These characteristics of a Christian woman are vital for you to develop or maintain throughout your life. 

A Christian woman is someone who has accepted and acknowledged Jesus Christ as her Savior. She also regularly reads and applies Bible principles to her life. She is not swayed back and forth by the opinions and expectations of the world. Instead, she wholeheartedly relies on God & Jesus Christ for guidance, decision-making, and her worth is found in them, not the world.

In this blog, you will learn What does it mean to be a Christian woman and the characteristics of a Christian woman.

Characteristics of a Christian woman 

What Does it Mean to be a Christian Woman

To be a Christian woman means following the footsteps of Jesus Christ to the best of your ability. Being a Christian woman does not mean being perfect, but it does mean wholeheartedly relying on God & Jesus Christ to be guided by biblical principles. A Christian Woman prioritizes her relationship with God first, including her marriage, family, friends, and community. 

She extends her hand to help those in need and is compassionate towards all. A Christian Woman understands her role in this world as a woman who follows Christ. She seeks and finds her worth in Jesus Christ and does not base it on worldly expectations or possessions.  


Proverbs 31:11 “Her husband trusts her from his heart…”

A Christian woman should be trustworthy. A woman whom not only her husband can trust but also friends, family, and her community. Being a Trustworthy Chrisitan Woman means being honest, loyal, respectful, and reliable. 

You want to be honest in how you communicate with others in words and actions. You’re not trying to deceive people or mislead people. Being honest helps you build strong relationships with other Christian women. 

To be trustworthy is to be loyal. This means you follow through when you say you will do something. You are there to show or give support to anyone and everyone.

Being respectful of others, no matter who they are, what they do, or their background. You treat others with kindness and respect. 

Reliability is another prominent trait of being a trustworthy Christian woman. You want your husband, family, friends, and community to confidently rely on you when they need your help, love, and support. 

Hard Worker 

Proverbs 31:13,15-17, 27 “She plants a vineyard from her own labors…She prepares herself for hard work…Her lamp does not go out at night…the bread of laziness she does not eat.”

Being lazy is neither an option nor something Chrisitan Woman wants to be. This isn’t to say you need to be working 24/7 or that you can’t have a rest day. It means that you take care of your daily priorities first, whatever that may be, and then you can relax. 

Procrastination is a form of laziness. If you are not doing your daily duties that a Christian Woman should be doing because you decided to binge on another season of your favorite show, that is laziness. 

Finding Enjoyment in Hard Work 

Ecclesiastes 3:13 “…eat and drink and find enjoyment for all his hard work. It is the gift of God.”

Being able to cook, clean, watch over your household, work, etc., is a gift from God. He has given us this beautiful gift and opportunity to cook meals that we enjoy eating. He’s given us a home we can clean and the ability to create a homey environment for your household and anyone who enters the door. 

Whether it may seem minute, everything we do is a gift of God, and we should find a way to enjoy it. 


Proverbs 31:20 “She extends her palm to the lowly one, And she opens her hands to the poor.”

A Christian Woman never denies the lowly one. Instead, she gives him or her whatever they may need. It doesn’t always come in the form of money. It can also be sharing an evening with such a person or having an honest conversation.


Proverbs 31:22,24 “She makes her own bed covers…She makes and sells linen garments…”

Being self-sufficient is another characteristic of a Christian woman. Being self-sufficient means being able to take care of yourself and/or your household’s basic needs. You do not rely on other people to provide these basic needs. For example, you’re able to cook a meal from scratch, you’re able to fix a pair of jeans instead of buying new ones, and you are capable of growing your own food instead of relying on big corporations to do that for you. 

Self-sufficiency can also mean being resourceful, so you’re able to create solutions to problems. You are also financially independent and not reliant on others to provide financial support for you. 


Proverbs 31:26 “She opens her mouth in wisdom…” 

Being knowledgeable as a Christian woman doesn’t mean getting a Ph.D. in something fancy to gain knowledge; instead, it means gaining your knowledge in God’s word and sharing that with others. It’s responding to questions, concerns, or arguments using God’s wisdom instead of relying on our own understanding. 


Proverbs 31:28 “Her children rise up and declare her happy…” 

Being happy is a mindset. There will be days in life where they are not so great or you just have one of those days where you get up on the wrong side of the bed. It happens to EVERYONE. But you shouldn’t have a negative mindset or behavior every day of your life. If having a positive mindset is something you struggle with, seek counseling or read a variety of self-help books!

Controlling The Tongue 

James 1:19 “…everyone must be quick to listen, slow to speak, and slow to anger…”

Psalms 34:13 “Then guard your tongue from what is bad, Your lips from speaking deception.”

A Christian Woman always wants to be quick to listen, slow to speak, and slow to anger. Usually, when one is quick with her tongue, it’s out of anger or to spread gossip. Controlling the tongue can be very hard, especially when provoked or speaking to friends who are “spilling the tea.”

Think before you speak. You will often hear that tiny little voice in your head that reminds you, “Don’t say that.”

Finding the Joy in Everything

Ecclesiastes 6:6 “What is the benefit of living a thousand years twice over but not experiencing enjoyment.”

There are many things in this world one can find enjoyment in; it’s all based on your perspective. You can do this by focusing on your own life, relying on God instead of on the world, and working hard for God instead of for worldly desires. If you find that you are struggling to find enjoyment or feeling a bit blue, seek counseling. Either a Christian counselor or one to who you can connect and express your feelings. 

Not taking things personally.

Ecclesiastes 7:9 “ Do not be quick to take offense, for the taking of offense lodges in the bosom of fools.

Ecclesiastes 7:21 “Do not take to heart every word that people say…”

A Christan Woman does not take things other people do or say personally. When you start taking things personally, it can make you resentful and bitter. What other people do or say about you says more about them than about you.

Become the woman who lets it roll off your shoulder instead of confronting the other person. If someone says something hurtful amid an argument, don’t overthink it too much. Realize that people say things they don’t mean when they are mad; more often than not, it’s not what they mean. 


Ecclesiastes 7:12 “For wisdom is a protection just as money is a protection, but the advantage of knowledge is this: Wisdom preserves the life of its owner.”

Wisdom can be attained by reading your Bible daily and attending church on Sundays! One of the characteristics of a Christian woman is responding in words and actions with wisdom.

If you are a new believer or need help getting started on your bible reading journey, this blog post is a complete guide on how to begin reading your bible.

Keeping God’s Commandments

Ecclesiastes 12:13 “…Fear the true God and keep his commandments, for this is the whole obligation of man.”

Matthew Chapter 5-7 covers all of the commandments Jesus Christ gave while he was on earth preaching the Good News of The Kingdom. A Christian Woman does her best to keep all of these commandments. 

Strong in Faith 

1 Peter 1:8-9 “Though you never saw, you love him. Though you do not see him now, yet you exercise faith in him and are greatly rejoicing with an indescribable and glorious joy as you attain the goal of your faith, your salvation.”

An important Characteristic of a Christan Woman is one who has strong faith in God & Jesus Christ! She knows that even through trials, she can rely wholeheartedly on God & Jesus Christ. Her faith is strong, and certain life circumstances cannot sway it.

Full of Love

1 Peter 1:22 “… love one another intensely from the heart.”

1 John 4:7 “… let us continue loving one another, because love is from God, and everyone who loves has been born from God and knows God.”

LOVE…LOVE…LOVE!! No matter what, love anyone and everyone. This isn’t to say you need to partake in their sin to show your love; you can love someone but not the sin they are committing. 

Abstaining from Fleshly Desires 

1 Peter 2:11 “…Keep abstaining from fleshly desires which wage war against you.”

Galatians 5:16-21 Does an amazing job in pointing out which fleshly desires we want to AVOID. These are sexual immorality, uncleanness, brazen conduct, idolatry, spiritism (including astrology, mediums, card readers, hand readers, etc.), hostility, strife, jealousy, fits of anger, dissensions, divisions, sects, envy, drunkenness, wild parties.

Following Jesus Christ’s Steps 

1 Peter 2:21-23 “In fact, to this course you were called, because even Christ suffered for you, leaving a model for you to follow his steps closely. He committed no sin, nor was deception found in his mouth. When he was being insulted, he did not insult in return. When he was suffering, he did not threaten, but he entrusted himself to the One who judges righteously.”

As a Chrisitan Woman, you must follow Jesus Christ’s Steps by mimicking all he did on earth. One of the greatest is preaching the Good News of The Kingdom, which he explicitly told us to do. 

Not Drawing Attention to Yourself

1 Peter 3:3 “Do not let your adornment be external-the braiding of hair and the wearing of gold ornaments or fine- but let it be the secret person of the heart in the incorruptible adornment of the quiet and mild spirit, which is great value in the eyes of God.”

When Peter wrote this scripture, it was when a woman used their hair and ornaments to call attention to themselves. In today’s world, some revealing clothing can call unnecessary attention to yourself. People will be focused more on what you’re wearing than on the secret person of the heart.

The Bigger Person 

1 Peter 3:9 “Do not pay back injury for injury or insult for insult. Instead, repay with a blessing, for you were called to this course so that you might inherit a blessing.” 

While it’s hard to do at times, primarily when someone insults or hurts you physically (not associated with a domestic abusive relationship), be the bigger person and walk away. 


1 Peter 3:11 “Let him turn away from what is bad and do what is good; let him seek peace and pursue it.”

Find ways that bring peace into your soul, family, and home. You can do this by looking at the bigger picture, such as Jesus Second Coming, instead of your current life situation. Create your life around his second coming rather than collecting or chasing worldly pursuits.

Refraining From 

1 Peter 4:3-4 “…brazen conduct, unbridled passions, overdrinking, wild parties, drinking bouts, and lawless idolatries.”

A Christian woman doesn’t surround herself with friends who may entice her into overdrinking, wild parties, or brazen conduct. She also doesn’t want to be apart of such gatherings or partake in such behavior.


Hebrews 13:2 “Do not forget hospitality, for though it some unknowingly entertained angels.”

A Caring Characteristic of a Christian Woman is hospitable. She quickly welcomes family, friends, and strangers and offers them a warm and comfortable environment. It doesn’t always mean to have a 5-course meal ready but to make hosts feel comfortable in your home and at ease. You can be hospitable by offering something to drink, a chat, a warm meal or dessert, and a welcoming presence.

Conclusion: Characteristics of a Christian Woman

Being a Chrisitan Woman does not mean being perfect. Instead, it means you are applying biblical principles into your life and living in a way acceptable to God, not the world. There are many characteristics of a Christian woman one needs to apply to their life every day.

Saraa Vega

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GODS NAME | Exodus 3 : 13-15
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