habits to improve your life

6 BEST Daily Habits to Improve Your Life

May, 10, 2023

Daily habits to improve your life are essential! If you start implementing these habits into your daily routine, you will significantly improve your life and life satisfaction. “…in the long run, the quality of our lives often depends on the quality of our habits,” states James Clear in the book Atomic Habits.

A good question to ask yourself is, “Are the habits you currently have improving your life or causing you to fall back into a life or lifestyle you do not want?” 

Great habits will increase your productivity, life satisfaction, give your life rhythm and flow, and overall you will have control of your life. You will also start to live the life you want, and you will reach your goals by implementing daily habits.

Bad habits will do the opposite. It will decrease your productivity, you won’t have control of your life, you won’t reach your goals, and you will be at the mercy of everything and everyone else. 

In this blog post, you will learn What habits are… Daily Habits to Improve Your Life and the Tools You NEED to implement daily habits. 

Daily Habits to Improve Your Life 

What Are Habits?

The straightforward dictionary answer is “A habit is a routine of behavior that is repeated regularly and tends to occur subconsciously.” – Google.

Essentially it’s something you do without thinking about it, whether they are good or bad habits. You can implement habits into your daily life without realizing it. Habits can significantly impact your mood, health, well-being, success, and attitude toward life. Overall your results are determined by what you repeat. 

According to Google, a habit takes about 66 days on average to become automatic. That is for both good and bad habits. Habits can become difficult to change, but with the right mindset and system, you will be able to override your bad habits and implement good ones. 

If you want to lose weight, there are certain habits that you have to apply every day in order to make it possible such as eating healthy and eating nutritious meals, working out, cutting out junk food, etc. If you want to start your own business, you need to create the habit of working certain hours,

6 Daily Habits that will improve your life

Complete The Most Important Task

The best daily habit to improve your life is to complete the most important task first thing in the morning. The day may not go as planned, so knocking out the most important task first thing in the morning will set your day up for success. You will also feel a spike in your productivity, leading to doing more work and finishing up projects, emails, or meetings quicker than expected. Completing these tasks sooner will also create more time for unexpected tasks or events. 

Your stress levels will also decrease since you won’t have to stress about an important task you must finish throughout the day. By completing the most important task every morning, you will be able to create a beneficial habit that will ultimately help you stay on track and reach your goals. 


Practicing gratitude is one of the best daily habits to improve your life. Expressing gratitude has been shown to improve your emotional well-being and mental and also physical health. You can express your gratitude in several ways. One by journaling every single day and writing down what you are grateful for. Second is by taking the time to meditate and talk to yourself about what you are grateful for. You can also let others around you know how grateful you are to have them in your life. 

Being grateful for what you have and your current state of life can also bring you peace and happiness. Instead of constantly chasing to get the next best thing, you can take a step back and enjoy your life.

Spend Time Outside

Whether it’s 15 minutes or 2 hours, spend some time outside. Getting a little sunlight and fresh air is an amazing way to boost your mood and reduce stress. It is also one of the best ways to get your Vitamin D intake which is essential for healthy bones and also benefits your immune system. 

If you feel like you are stuck in a rut with your creativity taking the time to step outside and immerse yourself in the outdoors, you will feel your creativity creep in again. It works much better if you sit or walk outside silently and allow your brain to wander off without distractions. 

Another great thing that involves spending time outside is that your sleep will become better regulated. There is a positive impact on your mental and physical health when you spend time outside. 

Spending time outside is a great daily habit to improve your life. 

Eat Nutritious Meals 

What you put into your body will reflect how you sleep, mood, physical health, and overall well-being. It’s important to eat nutritious meals throughout the day that will help you reach your daily intake of protein, carbs, and vitamins. I’m not saying you need to track your macros or count your calories, but it’s essential to stick to less processed foods. 

Eating nutritious meals will help you maintain your energy throughout the day as well as reduce the risk of chronic diseases. Healthier meals will improve your digestive system, especially if you eat fiber-rich foods like lentils, almonds, avocados, chia seeds, sweet potatoes, etc. Meals that meet your daily needs will also strengthen your immune system. 

Do At Least 30 Minutes of Physical Activity  

Doing at least 30 minutes of physical activity daily is another great daily habit that will improve your life. Many often think that you need to go all or nothing to be physically active. The truth is you don’t need to go hard at the gym or run a marathon to be healthy and physically active. All you need is 30 minutes of some sort of physical activity in your life, whether that is walking, running, hiking, biking, swimming, gardening, weight lifting, tennis, etc. You get the gist. Anything that gets your body moving and your heart rate up will dramatically improve your life.

You will experience higher levels of energy, you’ll be able to manage your weight while doing a physical activity you love, improving your mood and also reducing stress. 

Maintain a Regular Sleep Schedule

Sleep and a regular sleep schedule are vital in your life. Creating and maintaining a sleep schedule will improve your sleep quality every night. Your body will learn when it’s time to sleep and when it’s time to wake up, making it easier for you to fall asleep quicker. You will also be able to create a solid routine to help you maintain your habits, improving your life. 

Regular sleep is vital for your cognitive function, memory, and concentration. The best part about maintaining a regular sleep schedule is sleep helps you regulate your hormones that control your appetite and immune function and also lowers the risk of chronic diseases. 

3 Tools You Need to Build Daily Habits

Atomic Habits

If you haven’t already purchased Atomic Habits, you seriously NEED to consider it! Atomic Habits is one of the most valuable books that will help you implement habits into your life and create systems that help you stick to your habits. It is one of the few books I have read over 3 times, and I always find new information to implement into my daily habits and systems. 

James Clear, the author, gives straightforward answers and advice on how habits can positively impact your life. 

His book is divided into 4 different laws. The 1st Law is “Make it obvious,” The 2nd Law is “Make it Attractive,” The Third Law is “Make it Easy,” and The 4th Law is “Make it Satisfying.” All these are of great use, especially when you want to eliminate old habits and implement new ones. 

Physical or Printable Habit Tracker 

In order to create or build a habit, you will need to keep track of them. The best way to do this is by buying a planner with a habit tracker included. This is THE BEST weekly planner from Amazon, including a weekly plan, habit tracker, top 3 priorities, a to-do list, and weekly focus. 

If you are looking for a simple Habit Tracker, I created this one to help you keep track of the morning, day, and evening habits you want to implement. 

One of the reasons why you want to have and create a habit tracker is so you can visually see your progress. Putting a completion checkmark next to your habit will encourage you to continue with it even when the motivation isn’t there. Seeing just how far you have come with your new habits can also be uplifting. 

Habit Tracker App

Another way to track your habits is by downloading a habit tracker app. These are great for daily reminders and also a great way to keep track of your progress since you more than likely always carry your phone everywhere. You can update your tracker any time of the day, making it the BEST way to track your habits. You can also add widgets to your screen that can encourage you to follow through.

The best app I have personally used that’s super easy and simple is called “Habit.” It’s straightforward, and you also get reminders every day. 

Conclusion: Daily Habits To Improve Your Life

Your life will reflect what you repeat on a daily basis. It’s important to start implementing great daily habits to improve your life. You will immediately see the results when healthy habits are practiced daily. If you want to implement habits to create a routine, this blog post covers it all!

Saraa Vega

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Hey there! My name is Saraa. I created the blog Pour Me a Glass to share all the tips & tricks to Homemaking, Building Your Faith, Health & Fitness, and Self-Improvement! My goal is to inspire you to create a joyful home and live a joyful and healthy life!

GODS NAME | Exodus 3 : 13-15
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