woman praying and reading the Bible and learning the best way to build your faith

The Best Way to Build Your Faith

Aug, 04, 2023

This Blog Post is all about The BEST Way to Build Your Faith. 

Having Faith is an integral part of being a Christian. Without Faith, it is impossible to please God.

Faith will give you the courage, confidence, and encouragement to follow God’s word and apply biblical principles to your everyday life. Having strong Faith will also help you remain faithful through trials and persecutions. 

The Best Way to Cultivate Faith:

  • Prayer
  • Reading Your Bible
  • Attending Bible Study Groups
  • Attending Church Service
  • Cultivating a Relationship with God

Hebrew 11:6 “Moreover, without faith it is impossible to please God well, for whoever approaches God must believe that he is and that he becomes the rewarder of those earnestly seeking him.” 

The best way to build your faith

What is Faith? 

Hebrews 11:1 “ Faith shows the reality of what we hope for; it is the evidence of things we cannot see.” NLT 

Hebrews 11:1 “Now Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.” KJV

Faith is clearly explained in Hebrews 11:1. Faith is something that we hope for, but cannot see. While you haven’t seen Jesus, you wholeheartedly believe in Him and have Faith that he will come again. You have Faith that even though you cannot see God, HE does exist. You have Faith that God’s promises and future prophecies that are yet to happen will come to fruition.

A quick Google search will define Faith as complete trust in something or someone. The keyword here is COMPLETE. Your faith shouldn’t waver depending on your circumstances. No matter your life season, you should have COMPLETE Faith in The Word, Jesus Christ, & Jehovah.

 3 Ways to Build Your Faith

How to Build Your Faith?


The BEST way to build your Faith, whether you are a new believer or have been an existing believer, is by Praying. You need to Pray to God to help you build your Faith and ask for the Holy Spirit to guide you in the way you should go.

The power of Prayer is beyond our imagination.

The Bible states that Elijah was a man just like you, yet when he prayed for it not to rain, it didn’t rain, and when he prayed for rain, it started raining. One thing to keep in mind is that Elijah prayed Earnestly… meaning with sincerity and thoughtfully. He didn’t just pray to pray; he prayed without being a hypocrite or deceitful. He gave careful thought to what he was asking for and what he needed.

Mark 11:22-23 “ Then Jesus said to the disciples, “Have Faith in God. I tell you the truth, you can say to this mountain, ‘May you be lifted up and thrown into the seas,’ and it will happen. But you must really believe it will happen and have no doubt in your heart. I tell you, you can pray for anything, and if you believe that you’ve received it, it will be yours.”

Bible Reading

Once you’ve prayed and earnestly asked God to build and give you Faith, one of the best ways to start building your Faith is by Reading the Bible! You cannot randomly have Faith without knowing what God is about.

You cannot have Faith without knowing what kind of God he is, what he’s done for His people, and to what extent he will go to defend His people.

Reading your Bible will help you understand WHO God is and WHAT his purpose for us is. You will also see the many ways God works to bring his purpose to fruition. 

Knowing what the future will be like can help you increase your Faith tremendously!

Revelation 21:4 | Psalm 37:29 | Isaiah 35:5,6 | Isaiah 65:21,22

If you don’t know where to begin reading your Bible, check THIS blog post out!

Best Bibles to Start Reading:

Bible Study Groups

Another great way to build your Faith is by attending bible study groups. This has been the BEST thing that I have personally done to build my Faith.

First, bible study groups are helpful if you are surrounding yourself with like-minded people, which will tremendously help you not only build your Faith but also help you develop a closer relationship with God.

Second, hearing the stories shared throughout the group can give you a deeper insight into certain scriptures, inevitable struggles, and how to overcome the struggles, support, and ways to build your Faith. 

It’s a nurturing environment for spiritual growth and great for building solid and meaningful relationships with like-minded Christians.

Attending Church Service

While Bible Study Groups are a great way to build your Faith, attending a Church will also help you deepen your Faith in God & Jesus Christ. Many church services get together only on Sundays, while others get together more often. It all depends on the church you are going to attend or are attending. 

Attending a Church service is a great way to ask your fellow brothers and sisters for guidance in understanding. To have your many questions answered.

Cultivate A Relationship With God

Cultivating a relationship with God will help you grow a firm Faith. Otherwise, how will you have Faith in something or someone you don’t even know?

Cultivating a relationship with God starts by reading The Word. Prayer and meditating on scriptures throughout the day and night is the best way to build your faith. Nurture your relationship with HIM.

Take a look outside and observe all that God has created and given you to enjoy.

Conclusion: The BEST Way to Build Your Faith

The Best Way to Build Your Faith is by Prayer, Reading Your Bible, Bible Study Groups, Attending Chruch Service, & Cultivating a relationship with God. Building your faith takes time & knowledge of The Word. Know that it will take time to build strong Faith, and there are many benefits that will come with it!

“The deepening of your faith roots is a continual process of growing in the knowledge of who God is and how knowing him”

– The Well-Watered Woman Rooted in Truth Growing In Grace Flourishing in Faith

Saraa Vega

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Hey there! My name is Saraa. I created the blog Pour Me a Glass to share all the tips & tricks to Homemaking, Building Your Faith, Health & Fitness, and Self-Improvement! My goal is to inspire you to create a joyful home and live a joyful and healthy life!

GODS NAME | Exodus 3 : 13-15
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