simplify your life, simple living room, simple home

The BEST way to simplify your home

Dec, 09, 2023

This blog post is all about the best way to simplify your home.

If you’re tired of cluttered countertops, feeling restless in your own home, and even overwhelmed, then it might be time to simplify your home.

Simplifying your home can change your life and mental health in drastic ways.

Simplifying your home involves intentionally decluttering your living space to create a more organized, functional, and peaceful environment.

Your home should be your safe haven. A place where you feel at peace and relaxed and have a sense of control over your space. This is all possible by simplifying your home. If you’re struggling to make your house feel like a home, it might be because there is simply too much stuff.

In this post, I will share the tried and true tips to simplify your home!

Simplify Your Home

Mindful Consumption

Being a mindful consumer is the best way to simplify and keep your home simple. Overconsumption is at an all-time high. Everyone wants to have a Pinterest-perfect home, but it’s not realistic.

Trends come and go quicker than anything else, and trying to keep up with the Pinterest-perfect home will only cause you to consume more than the necessary.

Distinguishing your wants from your needs will help you simplify your home and keep unnecessary possessions at bay.

You will also learn how to appreciate and repurpose what you currently have instead of always seeking something new.

Declutter your home

In order to simplify your home, you need to start by decluttering. Clutter is often one of the biggest contributors to stress, anxiety, and feeling overwhelmed in your space, and you may also experience decision fatigue.

When you start to simplify your home by decluttering, you will instantly feel a sense of control and an increase in productivity. You will begin to gain some clarity and become creative with your space.

Related Post: How to start decluttering when overwhelmed!

Decluttering needs to be done as often as you can, whether once a month, quarterly, semiannually, or once a year. Decluttering will be a part of your life to keep your home simple. The more often that it’s done, the less clutter you will collect.

wardrobe capsule, simple closet, minimalist closet

wardrobe capsule

Simplify your home means you also need to simplify your closet. This can be done by creating a wardrobe capsule that fits your style. Building a wardrobe capsule is essential to simplifying your home because it will be filled with timeless, great quality, and versatile pieces, not just trendy clothing that will only be fashionable for the month.

Creating the perfect wardrobe capsule entails decluttering what you currently have and leaving what you absolutely love. With time, you will fill your wardrobe with timeless clothing that are great pieces to have for years on end.

Limit seasonal decorations

Limiting decorations, especially seasonal decorations, is VITAL to simplifying your home. We currently live in a state where overconsumption and keeping up with the Joneses is increasing, especially with decorating your house.

But there are a lot of negative impacts to decorating your home for every season, especially if you buy decorations every year.

This has a significant impact not only on the environment but also on your wallet and mental health.

Create open spaces

Instead of following trends and filling your space with furniture, appliances, decorations, or unnecessary items, allow your space to just be open. Doing this will simplify your home and reduce visual clutter, which can help you not feel anxious or overwhelmed in your space.

simple living

Focus on quality, not quantity

When you focus on quality over quantity, you buy pieces you absolutely love and need. The benefits of buying quality over quantity are that it’s cost-effective, durable, and great for the environment. 

Often, you think you might be scoring a deal by buying something cheap, yet it only lasts you a few weeks or months, leading you to buy more. 

When you buy a great quality item, you might spend a little more upfront, but the longevity and waste reduction will significantly impact your simple home. 

Create zones in your home

Creating zones in your home is a game changer to simplify your home. Zones bring simplicity and organization and create an efficient living space. 

Creating specific zones looks different in every home. 

For example, I have 4 specific zones in my house based on our needs and wants. There is a zone entirely dedicated as a play area for the kids, which helps out tremendously in keeping the toys in ONE place. A zone for work. A zone for reading and a zone for hanging out. 

Creating these zones helps keep our home clean and running efficiently, and we get great use out of all the space in our home. 

Creating zones is also something that is recommended, especially if you want to create long-lasting habits

Adapt a minimalist mindset

Adapting a minimalist mindset looks like shifting your perspective towards more intentional living. You won’t be placing a value on possessions more than the necessary.

You can adapt the one-in and one-out rule, which will help you keep your home organized and clutter-free.

Another minimalist mindset to adopt is continually reflecting and adjusting your lifestyle to fit the simple life you’re trying to achieve. Often, you can fall off track and jump on the bandwagon of overconsuming, especially when scrolling through social media. But the good thing is you can always reevaluate your

Learn to say No

One of the biggest mistakes you can make is accepting everything that everyone gives you just because you’re afraid to say no.

That’s exactly how I got stuck with a lot of decor pictures, pillows, quilts, etc, that I didn’t necessarily need, love, or find a great use for. As I write this, I’m looking at some decor pillows my spouse’s grandma gave me. I didn’t want to break her heart; now they’re in the way more than anything else. And it’s not really my style.

It’s hard to say no, especially when it comes to grandparents or great-grandparents, but your home is your safe haven and should be treated as such. Bringing in things you absolutely love and making you feel at peace more than out of place.

Easy ways to simplify your home

Simplifying your home is essential for mental clarity, productivity, and reduced stress. These are the tried and true ways to simplify your home without losing your mind!

  • Mindful consumption
  • Declutter your home
  • Wardrobe capsule
  • Limit seasonal decorations
  • Create open spaces
  • Focus on quantity, not quality.
  • Create zones in your home.

Saraa Vega

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Hey there! My name is Saraa. I created the blog Pour Me a Glass to share all the tips & tricks to Homemaking, Building Your Faith, Health & Fitness, and Self-Improvement! My goal is to inspire you to create a joyful home and live a joyful and healthy life!

GODS NAME | Exodus 3 : 13-15
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