active during pregnancy

The BEST Way to Stay Active During Pregnancy 

Apr, 12, 2023

Reaming active throughout your pregnancy has so many health benefits for you and your baby. Of course, this is if you are 100% in the clear with your doctor. Usually, your doctor will let you know if you need to take a break, be on bed rest for an extended period, or if it’s safer for you & your baby not to be as active. If you are unsure, consult with your doctor first.

Even if you haven’t worked out before and you just found out you’re pregnant, it’s a great time to start! BUT you have to ease into it, especially if you haven’t worked out before or if it’s been a while since you’ve worked out. So don’t jump into hardcore CrossFit if you’ve never done it. Instead, take it day by day. 

This blog post is all about The Best Way to Stay Active While Pregnant!

The best way to stay active while pregnant

Create a Plan

The first you need to continue staying active during your pregnancy is creating a plan. You want to include What, How, When, and where in your plan. 

What type of workouts do you plan to do during your pregnancy? 

Different workouts are safe at different times in your pregnancy; consult with your doctor before exercising. 

How are you going to make sure you stay consistent? 

Will you keep a habit tracker app on your phone or have an accountability partner? 

When are you going to do the XYZ workout? 

Will you do your workouts in the morning before breakfast or in the evenings when you get home?

Where are your workouts going to take place? 

Will you keep or get a gym membership? Will you buy a few things and create your home gym? Or will you use the outdoors to get your 30-minute walk in?

If you are looking into building your home gym, I share all the equipment essentials you need to work out at home in this blog post!

It’s vital to create a plan when trying to create a workout plan. For one, if you say you want to work out yet don’t make a plan, you will more than likely not go through with it. The best way to go through with remaining active while pregnant is by first understanding your why or goal for wanting to stay active while pregnant, creating a plan, and having an accountability partner. 

Choosing the right accountability partner is essential!! You want someone who will keep you accountable and on track with your goals. You need someone who will not only join you when you’re not feeling it but will give also give you the motivation to remain focused on your goal. 

Create a System

One of the best ways to avoid putting off your workouts is by creating a system that works for you. Systems lead to progress which then leads to results. 

A System Example for If you want to workout in the mornings 

Creating a system can look like setting out your workout clothes the night before or honestly going to sleep in them (if your body allows you, lol). Filling your water bottle the night before, setting your headphones by your keys, and putting your shoes in front of your door with a pair of socks. 

A System Example for if you want to workout in the evening

Creating a system for evening workouts can look like having a gym bag packed and ready in your car or front steps. This includes having your workout clothes, shoes, socks, headphones, and supplements. This will make it so you’re ready to go and don’t have to think of all the things you need. 

These are examples of systems that you can set. A System is 100% dependent on your lifestyle and life situation. Working out right after a heavy meal might not be practical. You’re going to be miserable, and second, you might get the urge to relax, watch a movie and get to bed. 

Creating a System is all about trial and error. It’s about figuring out that sweet spot where you don’t have to go out of your way to work out. It just flows and makes sense with your day. 

Make it a Habit

After creating a plan and a system comes making it a habit. Whether you are going to the gym or simply doing evening walks, you need to make it part of your routine, aka a habit. 

Habits can take anywhere from 59-70 days until they become automatic. It takes time, but once you have it dialed in, it will be much easier to continue going than stopping. You get what you repeat.

Don’t rely on Motivation to Stay Active During Pregnancy

Motivation is fleeting.

Your motivation will be sky-high when you start creating your plan and system. But you’ll quickly realize that it fades away. So then you’re left with being disciplined, which you should focus on more than motivation. Motivation is great when starting anything, but it isn’t an emotion you should rely on to continue doing your daily workouts or walks. 

Fuel Your Body Correctly 

One of the best ways to have the energy to stay active during your pregnancy is by fueling your body correctly. Fueling your body entails eating the right amount of fruits and vegetables, making sure you’re intaking enough protein and carbohydrates. Besides raw fish and cold meats, there is no food off the table when pregnant as long as you eat anything and everything in moderation. There is a time for pizza and ice cream and a time for salads and salmon. The latter is the one you want to indulge in more often. (;

The right foods give you the energy and nutritional value you need daily to stay consistent throughout your pregnancy. 

Listen To Your Body

Last but not least, listen to your body! Listening to your body is essential for staying active during your pregnancy. Listening to your body will help you prevent any future injuries. If a workout is too strenuous, quit doing it. This is not the time to push your limits or set new personal records. It’s a time to remain active and take it easier on your body. 

Conclusion: Staying Active During Your Pregnancy 

Staying active during your pregnancy is possible and essential for your overall health. Creating a plan and a system will ensure consistency throughout your pregnancy. As always, make sure your doctor has cleared you before starting any sort of activity!

Saraa Vega

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Hey there! My name is Saraa. I created the blog Pour Me a Glass to share all the tips & tricks to Homemaking, Building Your Faith, Health & Fitness, and Self-Improvement! My goal is to inspire you to create a joyful home and live a joyful and healthy life!

GODS NAME | Exodus 3 : 13-15
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