being a great homemaker, being a good homemaker

How to Become a Homemaker

Jan, 18, 2023

This Blog Post is All About “How to Become A Homemaker!”

You do not need to be married to learn how to become a Homemaker. So often, we don’t prepare to become homemakers because either we’re not ready for marriage or haven’t found the right person. And while both of those are entirely okay and common, it’s essential to dedicate some time to the role you’d like to take on one day! Everyone has to prepare beforehand to take on a specific career, and yours is being a keeper of the home, so let’s prepare you!

There are many methods to prepare beforehand that will benefit you down the road. It will also make it less stressful for you when you already know a few things before you start living as a Homemaker. I know I wish I would’ve started learning how to do some things before I actually became a Homemaker! It was stressful and discouraging not knowing the basics of cooking, baking, and overall taking care of the home. This is why I am writing this blog post for my future Homemakers, so you know how and what to do to become a Homemaker!

In this post, I share 5 Ways to Become a Homemaker.

How To Become a Homemaker

Take Care of Your Home

Whether you’re living with your parents or have a home, learn how to take care of it.

If you live with your parents, learn how to clean the rooms properly. If you have your dad around and something breaks, this is an excellent time to shadow him. If your boiler shuts off, learn how to turn it back on. If something simple in your home breaks, learn how to fix it yourself. This is essential for all future homemakers because your husband may be working long hours or out of town! And if your boiler shuts off, that means no hot water for a few days!

If you live by yourself, devise routines to keep your home organized, clean and tidy. This is a time to experiment with what you like around your house and what you don’t like. Taking care of your home is one of the biggest tasks you will have as a Homemaker. I’m sure you’ve realized that even living alone in your home can get quite messy really quickly! Creating systems and methods to keep your home clean is essential. It will often be easier when you’re married and introducing new little humans into this world! All this you can learn by trial and error.

Learn How to Cook and/or Bake

Obviously, as a Homemaker, you will be the one who primarily cooks or bakes. While you don’t need to be the next Master Chef, learn the basics of cooking. Simple and easy recipes are a great way to start cooking. Pinterest is the gold mine for amazing recipes. You can also start by watching your parents or by becoming more involved when they start cooking or baking. The best place to get secret recipes and skills is either from your grandparents or your momma!

There are many cookbooks out there with amazing recipes! If you want to get a little more technical with you’re cooking, “Salt, Fat, Acid, Heat: Mastering the Elements of Good Cooking” is a phenomenal book. I ordered mine a few months ago, and the amount of information it has is beyond what I ever thought there was to cooking! It also teaches you how to make food from scratch, which is quite important in Homemaking.

Take Care Of Yourself

Taking care of yourself as a Homemaker is vital and something you will need to continue doing for the rest of your life.

This entails your physical, mental, nutritional, and spiritual health.

I don’t want to sound like a broken record but taking care of your physical health is vital!! It will benefit you FOREVER!! Being physically active will reduce the risk of diseases, help your mental health, bones, muscles, etc. In this blog post, I share how to start working out if you need some guidance. For your nutritional health, make sure to eat in moderation and focus on getting good sources of protein, vitamins, calcium, and veggies on a daily bases.

Your mental health should also be something to figure out during this time. If you feel like your mental health is not what it should be, ask for help, seek counseling, or make some lifestyle changes!

If you are a Christian, focus on your spiritual health. Make sure you are dedicating time to reading the word every day.

Be Financially Responsible

Being financially responsible starts way before marriage. It begins when you are a single working individual. This is a great time to learn the value of money and how to manage it. Learn how to create budgets, and a savings plan, how to invest your money, and most importantly, how to live within your means!

Another thing you want to start doing is tracking your spending habits. This is a great way to know if you are being financially responsible and dedicating your hard-earned money to things that will benefit you in your life and future. There are many videos online with great advice on saving and managing your money, which I highly recommend you start watching, especially if you struggle with finances.

Be Patient

The last thing you want to do is settle for someone who does not long for the same lifestyle you want. Just because you would like to be a Homemaker doesn’t mean the man you marry should automatically agree to it. If you marry a person who thinks marriage is 50-50 and expects you to work as well, getting him to change his mind will only cause tension in your marriage.

So be patient!

Find someone who longs for the same Traditional Lifestyle that you want. Trust me. There are men out there who would prefer to marry someone who wants to be a Homemaker than a Career Driven Woman. If you are entering the dating pool, mentioning how you long to be a stay-at-home wife or mom will certainly remove men who do not want the same lifestyle. In my opinion, don’t mention it on the first or third date. Make sure YOU are actually interested in the person first!

Conclusion: Become A Homemaker

Becoming a Homemaker starts way before you actually become one. Therefore, it’s important to prepare yourself for the role you hope to be in one day. For one, it will be way less stressful for you if you already know a few cooking methods or how to come up with budgets. Second, it will bless your husband and home.

In this blog post, I share some characteristics you need to have as a homemaker!

Thanks for being here,


Saraa (:

Saraa Vega

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Hey there! My name is Saraa. I created the blog Pour Me a Glass to share all the tips & tricks to Homemaking, Building Your Faith, Health & Fitness, and Self-Improvement! My goal is to inspire you to create a joyful home and live a joyful and healthy life!

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