clean and tidy

7 Things You NEED to Do Every Morning To Keep a Clean and Tidy House

Apr, 14, 2023

The number one thing a Homemaker will do for as long as she lives is clean and tidy up the home. It’s a never-ending task! Then, just when you think you’ve got your house all nice and clean for the day, dinner comes around, and here’s to another round of dishes, crumbs on the floor, and a whole lot of work. 

But it’s not something to roll your eyes at or feel depleted when thinking about the never-ending task of cleaning. After all, God has given you enough food to feed all the bellies in your home, running water & soap to clean all your dishes and prepare for the next day. 

While we are so thankful for all of the above, cleaning & keeping the home tidy can be overwhelming when the wrong systems or habits are in place. In order to have a clean & tidy home throughout the day, it all starts the minute you wake up. 

So in this blog post, I share 7 Things You NEED to Do Every Morning To Keep a Clean & Tidy Home. 

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Things You NEED to Do Every Morning to Keep a Clean and Tidy Home

clean and tidy house

Make Your Bed

I know you’ve probably heard this and seen it in many blogs or videos, but making your bed will set your day on the right path. If nothing else in your house gets cleaned because life happens, at least one area in your home is put together. 

If making your bed is something you loathe doing, try making it easier for yourself. You can do this by removing your decorative pillows and only keeping the ones you sleep on. If you have too many decorative blankets that you don’t even use, put them away and only keep your comforter. You can take them out once you have built the habit and routine of making your bed every morning!

The easier it is to do a simple task such as making your bed in the mornings, the more likely you will do it! 

Do a 15 Minute Morning Clean and Tidy Reset 

If you are the first in your household to get up, do a quick 15-20 minute reset. A 15-minute reset is where you go throughout your house and ensure everything is picked up, placed in its home, and ready to be enjoyed for the day.

We often get into the mindset of “Why even clean and tidy the home if it’s going to get destroyed once your husband or kids get up?” While there is some truth to it, resetting your home in the morning will prevent things from piling up. The more you can prevent things from piling up, the less overwhelmed you will be throughout the day, and the more time you will have to dedicate to other important tasks!  

Another neat thing about doing a morning reset is you’ll be able to enjoy a clean home for the first few hours of your day.

Unload Your Dishwasher

I am a huge preacher of putting your kitchen to sleep, which entails putting your dishes in the dishwasher the night before. If you have built this habit, which I highly recommend you do, then your next habit is to unload the dishwasher every morning. 

Having an empty dishwasher throughout the day is a game-changer! Instead of watching your plates and cups pile up in the sink, you can easily put them in the dishwasher keeping your sink empty and your kitchen tidy. 

If you forgot to start the dishwasher the night before, it happens more often than you think, then start it early in the morning or right after breakfast if there is still room in there. When the cycle is done, make it your mission to empty the dishwasher as soon as possible. This way you will be able to avoid piling your dishes in the sink.

Vacuum or Broom Your Home

One thing that will always make your home feel dirty and untidy is dirty floors. Seeing and feeling the crumbs or dirt while walking isn’t the most pleasant feeling. A way to avoid this is by vacuuming or brooming your floors in the morning!

If your budget allows, I HIGHLY RECOMMEND getting a Robot Vacuum. It has been a game-changer in our home! And I can also right off doing this task in the morning because of my extra help! We have been using the Eufy G30 Edge, and I absolutely love and rave about it all the time. You can find the link here

Clean One Area in Your Home

Tackle one area of your home every morning. Whether that is the living room, bedrooms, or bathrooms, you name it, clean & tidy at least one area of your home! I guarantee you will feel so much better at the end of the day. Even though one area doesn’t sound like much, it’s better than not doing it. 

Tackling one area of your home every morning will help you maintain a clean home throughout the week. You’ll discover that things won’t pile up until you’re completely overwhelmed, exhausted, and on the verge of a breakdown!

Don’t Set it Down Put it Away.

This should be your constant mindset morning, day, and night. Don’t set it down. Put it away! If you’ve taken off your jacket, don’t just throw it over your couch or chair; hang it up. If you just got out of your shower, don’t leave your dirty clothes on the floor; put them where it belongs. 

Often we can create visual clutter by not putting things back. And the majority of the things would take less than a minute to put away. 

So next time you catch yourself setting something down that you can quickly put away, remind yourself, “Don’t set it down. Put it away.” 

Ask For Help to Clean and Tidy

You are not alone in this. Ask for help and include your kids to help you around the house. Not that you should make them your little slaves, but there is nothing wrong with teaching them how to take care of the home, cleaning, and tidying. For example, you can create a chore schedule, put it on your refrigerator, and assign age appropriate cleaning chores. 

If your husband is available, don’t hesitate to ask for help if needed. I know you can often feel guilty asking for help since you have the privilege of staying home, but they are more than likely happy to help, especially if they know you’re overwhelmed! So even if it’s a simple task of taking out the trash, ask! 

You will feel so much better, and you’ll be able to pour more of your energy and life into what really matters. 

Conclusion: 7 Things You Need To Be Doing Every Morning to Keep a Clean and Tidy Home 

Keeping your home clean & tidy is a never-ending task. As a Homemaker, the responsibility has fallen into your lap to ensure your home is comfy, clean, & tidy. Creating strong systems and habits will help you maintain a clean and tidy home. Also, don’t be afraid to include your kids in doing their daily chores or asking your significant other for help! In this blog post, I share 10 of the BEST cleaning products you need to make your life a little easier!

Another thing, don’t set unrealistic expectations for how clean and tidy your home should be. At the end of the day, a home is meant to be lived in, which often means a few things here and there! 



Saraa Vega

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Hey there! My name is Saraa. I created the blog Pour Me a Glass to share all the tips & tricks to Homemaking, Building Your Faith, Health & Fitness, and Self-Improvement! My goal is to inspire you to create a joyful home and live a joyful and healthy life!

GODS NAME | Exodus 3 : 13-15
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