fit and healthy


Feb, 17, 2023

This Blog Post is all about How I Stay Fit and Healthy as a Stay At Home Wife!

When I first became a stay-at-home wife, I became too comfortable. Too comfortable with not keeping up with myself. I quit taking care of my physical and nutritional health, which led me to gain 25+ pounds in a very short amount of time. Gaining this much weight in such a short amount of time caused me to lose my self-confidence and self-esteem. I was embarrassed at the fact that I let myself go. None of the clothes that once fit me comfortably came close to fitting me at all. 

I didn’t realize the amount of weight I had gained until it was too late. I had already developed horrible eating habits and a horrible physical routine. Not only that, but my energy was at an all-time low, my mental health wasn’t the greatest, I experienced body aches that I never had before, the brain fog was real, etc. So many changes came with not taking care of my physical and nutritional health. 

But I had a choice. A choice to remain unhealthy and not exercise or to change my lifestyle choices and start taking care of myself. 

Slowly but surely, my eating habits changed, and I started to work out consistently, resulting in losing all the weight I had gained. I got my energy back, my body aches began to disappear, my brain fog no longer exists, and most importantly, my confidence is back!

Implementing healthy eating habits and a consistent workout routine has helped me maintain a healthy and happy weight. 

Today I am sharing with you a few things that I do to remain fit and healthy as a stay-at-home wife to encourage you to continue to take care of your health in order for you to live your best life! 

Fit And Healthy As A Stay At Home Wife

My Core Purpose

Figuring out my core purpose for losing weight and eating healthy was essential. I didn’t want to lose weight to be skinny; I wanted to be healthy and have energy. I have always imagined myself chasing after my kids or playing sports with them outside. When I realized that the path I was leading was opposite to the path I wanted, it gave me a core purpose to change. I didn’t want to be the momma who didn’t chase them around or play kickball with them because I failed to take care of myself. 

I also want to set an example for my future kids. Teaching them by example that being fit and healthy is a choice and a great one to make! That no matter what the scale says as long as they are remaining active and eating great foods and sweet foods in moderation what the scale or the mirror portrays means nothing.

Just thinking about that gave me the all-time motivation to start eating better and become physically active. Of course, it took figuring out my core purpose to initially begin taking control of my life. But, again, my goal wasn’t to eat healthily and work out to be skinny; it was much deeper than that. 

Limiting Sugar 

One of the worst culprits I have discovered is sugar. Now I know, in general, sugar isn’t the greatest to consume, but I never realized how bad sugar is for your overall health. I started watching Dr. Eric Berg DC, on YouTube talk about sugar and how it affects not only your physical health but also your mental health. There is also a Documentary on YouTube created by ENDEVR called Sweet Death: How Sugar is Making Us Sick. It completely changed my perspective on sugar. 

I slowly started to cut sugar out of my diet, and let me tell you, your body goes through some withdrawals without sugar. It was not easy, especially since I LOVE sweets and I also love to bake sweets. While I still consume sugar here and there, it is less frequent than it once was. Cutting sugar out of my life has helped me lose a majority of my weight and cleared my brain fog. 

Taking Supplements

I have always been a fan of taking supplements. Recently I embarked on taking the NeoLife Pro Vitality supplements, and I can feel a huge difference! I either go from my NeoLife supplements to Olly multivitamins. Taking supplements has improved my bone health, energy levels, hair, and skin, and covers my nutritional bases.

Not Buying Junk Food

Eating healthy starts at the grocery store. My willpower to not eat certain junk foods if it’s readily available is not great. Basically, I have none, lol. So I quit buying junk food in the first place. By junk food, I mean overly processed foods, candy, quick snacks, etc. In the first place, I was not too fond of any of these foods’ ingredients. I also discovered that the more I ate, the more I craved it. 

Focusing On Ingredients

What’s important to me is the food’s quality, which starts with looking at the ingredients. So many unnecessary ingredients are added to the most basic food that isn’t good for us to consume. What shocks me is that many of these ingredients are banned in other countries. But that’s a topic for a different day! 

Reading the label on every little thing I buy is time-consuming, but if I can eat great quality food that is full of whole foods and nutrients, it is worth it. My body digests food with great quality ingredients better than processed foods full of additives. The reason why I look at the ingredients is that I don’t want to get into the mindset of categorizing clean foods vs bad foods. If a chocolate bar has great ingredients in it I can assure you I will be eating a good amount of candy bars!

Physical Activity 

Like I said in the beginning, I quit working out altogether. The only physical activity that I did was cleaning around the house. I didn’t have any kiddos, so there wasn’t much running around that I needed to do. (God willing, we will have our healthy little girl in June of 2023) 

I started becoming more physically active every day. I didn’t do any intense workouts initially; it all started with just walking a few blocks a day. Then I set a step goal and tracked them every single day. If I didn’t meet my goal earlier in the day, I would go on an evening or night walk until I hit my mark. After a few weeks of walking, I started doing some home workouts, and eventually, I got a gym membership.

Conclusion: How I Stay Fit and Healthy as a Stay-At-Home Wife

My core purpose for remaining fit and healthy is more than just to be skinny. I want to live a long healthy life full of energy and with the least amount of health problems. In order to maintain my healthy lifestyle I realized that it all starts in the grocery store. What I bring into my home will either have a great impact on my health or a negative one. Becoming physically active was also the best thing that I could’ve done for my overall health. After all, it’s only 30 minutes of physical activity a day that I need!



Saraa Vega

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Hey there! My name is Saraa. I created the blog Pour Me a Glass to share all the tips & tricks to Homemaking, Building Your Faith, Health & Fitness, and Self-Improvement! My goal is to inspire you to create a joyful home and live a joyful and healthy life!

GODS NAME | Exodus 3 : 13-15
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