
5 Common Mistakes to Avoid as a Homemaker

Jan, 12, 2023

Before we get too deep into the blog post, I would first like to say that I am not judging you as a Homemaker! 4 out of the 5 mistakes that I share, I did! 

As a Homemaker, you will encounter many hurdles along the way. Whether you just became a Homemaker, or you’ve been one for quite a while, every season brings different obstacles. Often it can feel like you’re the only one struggling with a certain problem, or you feel like you’re the only one who doesn’t have it together.

When I became a Homemaker, I tried really hard to look for advice on Blogs & YouTube channels. To my surprise, there aren’t many who talk about the mistakes one should avoid or how to overcome a certain obstacle. So in today’s post, I wanted to talk about 5 Common Mistakes a Homemaker Makes and How to Avoid them or fit them!

5 Mistakes to Avoid as a Homemaker

Not Getting Ready for the Day

I know oftentimes you can get very comfortable and create a mindset that you do not need to get ready for the day because nobody is going to see you or you don’t need to leave the house. But why do you need to get dressed for others? Why not get dressed up for yourself? Because you value yourself. You should care about your appearance, not for others but for yourself. You don’t need to wear a gown or 6-inch heels, but a nice clean shirt and a good pair of jeans go a long way! Getting dressed in the morning sets the tone for the day. It can increase your confidence, and also you get to set an excellent example for your family.

How to Fix it? 

The first piece of advice that I have that still works for me to this day is to set your clothes out the night before. This will remove the step of reaching for your activewear or staying in your pajamas all day. If possible, invest in clothing that makes you feel comfortable and good about yourself. As Homemakers, we often feel guilty for even spending $20 on ourselves, but there is nothing wrong with buying clothing when you need it.

The second piece of advice is to become disciplined and create the time to get ready. And that might be waking up 15-30 minutes earlier than your household so you can have time for yourself. 

Not Taking Care of Your Health 

Not taking care of your physical, mental, and spiritual health can be detrimental to a Homemaker. For one, most of your day will be spent indoors. If you don’t have a reason to go out, you will more than likely not go anywhere.


But here is where the problem arises. Once you quit taking care of your physical health, You may start to gain some unwanted weight, your energy levels may plummet, your self-esteem and confidence may decrease, and your sleep schedule may be disrupted. Not all weight gain is bad, but if it’s from a lack of physical activity and overconsuming carbs and sugars, then it’s not healthy. When all these changes start happening to your body, it affects not only your physical health but also your nutritional and mental health.

How to Fix it?

All you need is 30 minutes of physical activity every day. Walking for 30 minutes daily can drastically impact your physical and mental health. If you currently can’t afford to go to the gym or don’t want to, build your gym at home or use the outdoors to be active. Plan activities with friends and family, such as evening walks, volleyball, tennis, racquetball, kickball, and many more. It’s a great way to get out of the house and also interact with other people.

When it comes to your nutritional health, which in my opinion is the hardest, is to find a balance. Instead of bringing all the junk food to your home, don’t buy any. If you have some at home, put them in an area where it requires work to get them out of there. Sometimes out of sight, out of mind really works! Limiting the amount of sweets, unhealthy dishes, eating out, and late-night snacks can help you have great health! Having great nutritional health also benefits your mental health.


Disregarding your mental health because you think you have it easy compared to others is also not okay. There will be many people who often comment, “I don’t know why you’re feeling this way if you have it so easy…” And your first thought may be true I shouldn’t complain or feel a certain way, but you are a HUMAN. Just because you stay at home doesn’t mean all your problems cease to exist!

How to fix it?

If you don’t have someone physically to talk with or understand what you are going through, pray about it! Nobody has a better understanding and listening ear than God. Another thing I always recommend is making sure that you get your hormones checked. This is something women never think can be contributing to their tiredness, depression, anxiety, stress, etc., but having your hormones out of balance can really impact the way you feel. Another thing to consider is getting your vitamin levels checked.


The last but most important one is putting your spiritual health on the back burner. Why is it that so often, the one thing we can move or forget about doing is reading your Bible or going to church? The one thing that offers peace of mind, guidance, and fulfillment is the one thing we think is in the way of doing XYZ.

How to fix it?

One way to fix not putting your spiritual health on the back burner is prioritizing it. Instead of putting other things in front of it or thinking that it’s not as important, move other things to make time for your spiritual health. You can incorporate a routine and have it either scheduled in the mornings before everyone wakes up or mid-day. Don’t schedule your spiritual sessions when you’re going to be exhausted, really busy, or when others require your attention. One thing to know is the enemy will always try to distract you in ways you never thought of. So, if you suddenly start feeling tired or somebody is calling you when it’s your Bible study time, then you should keep in mind you’re battling against spiritual forces. That’s something you’ll have to learn to power through, and always keep praying for the Holy Spirit to guide you.

Comparing Your Life to other Housewives

There is one thing about being inspired or encouraged and motivated to do certain things as a housewife, but comparing yourself to others is not it. For one, something that I always mention is we all live different lifestyles. We all have different schedules and different needs. Comparing yourself to somebody else. It will not only affect your self-esteem, but it will also trigger envy. Neither of these things will benefit you in life, nor will they make you a better homemaker.

When we start to compare our lives to others, it can be because we are unsatisfied or lacking in areas where they may appear to be fulfilled in. Usually, it’s something we long to have, for example, couples who go out on dates, a person who may be living your dream life, their house, their family, etc.

How to Fix it?

One thing to help you overcome comparing yourself to others is by taking some time to do self-reflection. What insecurity is that person triggering? How can you quit comparing yourself to that individual? Do you need to delete them from social media for a while? Why are you comparing yourself?

Becoming lazy 

Laziness is a sin. Which in itself should motivate us to do our homemaking duties. But often, laziness just comes upon you. That can be by waking up really late in the morning, taking more than necessary naps throughout the day, and not tending to your home or husband. My favorite verse to always look up when I am feeling sluggish is Proverbs 6 verses 6-11 or Proverbs 3: 27. The book of Proverbs has immense guidance and advice about laziness, so it’s a book I definitely recommend you read in the Bible.

How to fix it?

For one, start waking up at a reasonable time. It doesn’t have to be 4:00 am but definitely not 10:00 am, somewhere in the middle. Find ways to keep yourself busy and do things that will benefit your household now and in the future. Also, read the book of Proverbs. It is one of the most encouraging books you will ever read in the Bible!

Not Planning Out Your Day as a Homemaker

How far would Elon Musk get in life if he didn’t have a plan? I would say not far. Not planning out your day will only lead to laziness and procrastination. It will also distract you from getting your priorities done. Of course, nothing is set in stone when planning your day out. I mean, life happens, but for the most part, you will be able to plan most of your days.

How to Fix it?

For one, if you need to write it down instead of typing it on your phone, then invest in a good planner. If you’ve never planned your day before, I would start with a basic weekly planner. You can find one at Target for $1-5 dollars. You can also buy a notepad and jot it down that way.

Conclusion: Mistakes to Avoid As A Homemaker

There isn’t a set rule book for Homemakers on how to live, cook, clean, breath, do or don’t do. Many of these things that I share come from experience because it brought low-self esteem, laziness, lack of motivation, and health problems. This post wasn’t at all to judge you if you feel that way. Like I said in the begging, I struggled with almost all of them! As a Homemaker myself, I wanted to share these common mistakes to help anyone avoid committing them or, if you are stuck in one of these ruts, how to overcome it!

In this other blog post, I share A Few Characteristics of A Great Homemaker!

Saraa Vega

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Hey there! My name is Saraa. I created the blog Pour Me a Glass to share all the tips & tricks to Homemaking, Building Your Faith, Health & Fitness, and Self-Improvement! My goal is to inspire you to create a joyful home and live a joyful and healthy life!

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