Homemking skills

The BEST 6 Homemaking Skills Every Homemkaer Needs to Know

Nov, 02, 2022

This blog post is all about Homemaking Skills. 

Homemaking takes A LOT of discipline, skill, and hard work. Many have lost the art of homemaking or have not been taught how to take care of a home due to the high rise of feminism and the boss-babe mentality.

It’s a job that often goes unrecognized as a job. But homemaking is essentially a job, and just like every other corporate job, you need certain skills in order to be the best of the best and be able to do it efficiently.

Your Home is your business.

You’re the Boss, The Manager, The Assistant to the Regional Manager, and the employee.

So, with that being said, let’s dive into The 6 Homemaking Skills You Need to have in order to be a productive and successful Homemaker.

The Best Homemaking Skills Every Homemaker Should Know

Self Discipline

Self-discipline will either make or break you in the homemaking world. Since you are your own boss, you must take the initiative to complete the tasks at hand. In order to have your home in order and take initiative, you have to have self-discipline.

If you lack self-discipline, today is a great day to start incorporating this trait into your life.

To be disciplined means putting your priorities first, like cooking, cleaning, gardening, etc., before your leisure time. I believe that for the modern homemaker, the first thing you need to become disciplined on is your screen time. 

Social media is part of this world, and it’s not going anywhere, but that doesn’t mean it has to rule your world.

When you spend too much time on your phone, what you should be doing isn’t being done, and that can lead to unnecessary stress, feeling overwhelmed anxiety, and even depression. So, put social media in its place and get your priorities straight.  

Benefits of being self-disciplined

When you become self-disciplined, you will ultimately control how you spend your time. In addition, once you understand that you are in control of your time, your self-esteem will increase, and you will more likely achieve your personal goals and actually get things done. 

You will discover an increase in your productivity and have better time management skills. You will also start building better habits, which is highly beneficial for homemaking.

I sound like a broken record, but no matter if you plan your days down to the minute or have every planner in the world, nothing will get done without discipline. 

homemaking tips

Learn how to cook and bake simple meals

I cannot emphasize this enough: learn how to cook or bake.

You don’t need to be a Martha Stewart, but knowing how to cook will always benefit you no matter what season of your life you’re currently in. Learn how to make quick and easy meals for the days when you don’t have enough time to be in the kitchen or simply when you don’t have the energy to cook.

Also, learn how to cook big fancy meals so you can spoil your family here and there! 

Many recipes online detail how to make delicious, simple meals. Pinterest is my favorite place to find recipes because they have pictures, making finding meals much more accessible. 

P.S. You do not have to be dating or married to develop this skill. It will benefit you until the day you are no longer here, even if you die single. 

Related Post: How to start cooking at home

best cookbooks for simple meals

These are my tried and true 3 most useful cookbooks for simple meals that are my go-to!!

Cooking Con Claudia – Claudia released her cookbook a few months ago and shares Authentic Mexican Recipes. You seriously cannot get a more authentic Mexican food recipe book anywhere else! She also has a YouTube Channel that is all about Cooking Authentic Mexican food!

Hope’s Table – This recipe book has authentic Mennonite foods that are seriously delicious!! I have tried many meals from this book, a few being the beef stroganoff, baked fish, potato salad, and more!

Salt Fat Acid Heat THE BEST COOK FROM SCRATCH COOKBOOK EVER!!! The one cookbook you cannot go without, especially if you’ve never cooked in your life. Everyone raves about this cookbook because it seriously is THE BEST cooking-from-scratch cookbook. It goes into detail about salt, meat, spices, and simple cook-from-scratch recipes. It’s a game-changer!!!

homemaking essentials


Starting a vegetable is one of the best homemaking skills that you can develop as a homemaker. It takes a lot of work and patience to grow a great garden, but there are many benefits of growing your own food.

One of the best things about having your own vegetable garden is that you would be in control of your own food source. You won’t depend on big corporations to provide that for you, nor will you have to adjust your monthly grocery budget because of the increasing prices.

You don’t need a big homestead with lots of acreage or a huge backyard. You can seriously start a vegetable garden on a balcony, or you can even have a small garden that provides an abundance of food.

The best benefit of having your own garden is that you will know exactly what’s in your food and avoid all the extra chemicals that corporations are spraying on it.

Keep your home tidy by not setting it down but putting it away.

Put it back where it belongs.

When you feel like your home is dirty, it’s not that it’s actually dirty; it’s simply things lying around where they do not belong.

Not putting things away creates a lot of visual clutter, which can cause more stress and anxiety and reduce your productivity, especially for those who love having clean spaces.

Next time you think of leaving the cup on the counter, just talk to yourself and tell yourself to put it where it belongs. 

Clean spaces = Stress-Free environment.

Set a routine that works for your household.

Having a daily routine that works for your household is essential. Having a great daily routine will bring predictability and stability to your home, reducing the anxiety of those living in your household.

Routines can also help you create helpful habits that make your homemaking much easier.

Certain routines do not work for everyone (for example, the infamous 4 a.m. daily routine), and what might work for one person will probably not work for you. We are all in different stages of life, so create a routine that works for you and your lifestyle. 

Be hospitable

Let’s start with the most significant Bible verse that transformed my thinking about hospitality. 

Hebrews 13:2: “Do not forget hospitality, for through it some, unknown to themselves, entertained angels.”

Hosting, though, is a skill that you will develop with time. It is a whole blog post in itself, but I will still share a few tips that I have learned.

Always be happy and welcoming when they come through the door, even if they were not invited. This is another reason your home should be tidy; you usually never know who will be coming over! But do not stress over the cleanliness of your home. 

Always have the basics. Cookies, coffee, hot chocolate, and a warm or cool home! Do not start cleaning when your guests are over. This should take place once all the guests leave. 

Conclusion: Homemaking Skills

These aren’t all of the Homemaking skills you need, but it’s a start. Implementing these habits in your life will absolutely transform the way you homemaker.

Homemaking Skills Recap:

  1. Develop Self-discipline
  2. Cooking & Baking
  3. Gardening
  4. Keeping your home tidy by setting it down not putting it away
  5. Create a Routine
  6. Be Hospitable

Saraa Vega

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Hey there! My name is Saraa. I created the blog Pour Me a Glass to share all the tips & tricks to Homemaking, Building Your Faith, Health & Fitness, and Self-Improvement! My goal is to inspire you to create a joyful home and live a joyful and healthy life!

GODS NAME | Exodus 3 : 13-15
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