manage your time

3 Simple Ways to Manage Your Time as a Homemaker

Jan, 23, 2023

3 Simple Ways to Manage Your Time as a Homemaker

Being the boss of your home requires you to learn how to manage your time as a Homemaker. Once you become a Homemaker, you have so much freedom with time, which is amazing, but if it’s not managed well, it can be disastrous! Managing time was something that I had trouble with doing when I first became a Homemaker because I didn’t know how or where to start.

There are many ways to manage your time. You will just have to find what works for you! Here I share 3 Simple Ways to Manage Your Time as a Homemaker. These are my tried and true ways to manage your time. I have used them consistently for almost two years, which has helped tremendously. When you first start to learn how to manage your time, you will realize that it will be a lot of trial and error. And that is entirely normal. Sometimes we want to plan our days like our favorite influencer, but then you’ll realize you have a completely different life and goals than them, which will simply not work.

So don’t get discouraged when a routine that you had in mind doesn’t work. Instead, create another one until you create one that satisfies you!

Simple Ways to Manage Your Time as a Homemaker

Time Blocking

Time blocking is a method for dividing your days into blocks. All your focus should be on that specific task during your time blocked. For example, if I time block cleaning from 9 am-11 am, that is all I will focus on. This allows me to stay on track and not waste my day by focusing on multiple things simultaneously. Time blocking will enable you to be productive throughout the day and help you complete your tasks thoroughly.

Time blocking is great, especially for those who get distracted easily or who often start one thing but never finish it. I used to be this way. I would start cleaning, but a particular bill or e-mail would pop into my head, and I would leave the cleaning midway and do the other task. It would just ripple throughout the day, and nothing would ever get done! It was quite frustrating. After I started time blocking, I still had to always redirect my focus when the urge to do something else, but knowing that I had a specific time set for other things helped me a lot.

One thing to keep in mind with time blocking is to make sure you give yourself enough time to finish the scheduled task. That way, you’re not stressing throughout the day. At first, it will all be trial and error until you figure out how long everything takes and what you can accomplish throughout the day. However, it is much better to thoroughly finish one task than to attempt to do twenty tasks and leave them midway unfinished.

Create a To-Do List The Night Before

Creating your To-Do List the night before will help you sleep better, especially if you spend 2 hours planning the following day in your head. Instead of spending those 2 hours wide awake running through a long to-do list in your head, write it down. This will give you peace of mind knowing that when you wake up, you won’t be wondering what all you had planned to do the night before. Since every day is different and plans change, creating your to-do list at night is helpful since you know more about what will occur the next day.

Do not create a to-do list that’s not doable. Instead, write down 3-5 priorities that you know need to be accomplished and 3-4 tasks that don’t necessarily need to be done, but if the time is there, you can. Often you create a list that involves 20 tasks which may not be doable and can become discouraging when not completed. That is why you should prioritize a maximum of 5 tasks a day. You can only do so much throughout the day, even if you’re a Homemaker with no kids!

Start Creating Routines

Creating routines is the best way to manage your time as a Homemaker. A few essential practices to implement are cleaning, self-care, and meal-prepping. This will help you and your household know what to expect every single day. It will also help you to make the best use of your time!

Setting up a cleaning routine can be as simple as cleaning one area of your home daily. You can also add a deep cleaning day, a day dedicated to cleaning the bathrooms, bedrooms, living room, etc. Create a template or download a cleaning printable to make it easier for you to manage your time & actually see what needs completing.

A self-care routine is vital as a Homemaker! When you take great care of yourself, you can pour more of yourself into your home and family. Taking care of yourself can be like waking up before others to get a workout in and then getting ready for the day. Or waking up earlier than others to have some alone time and read your Bible. Whatever brings you joy and helps you take care of yourself, include that in your routine. The better you take care of yourself, the better you’ll be able to care for others.

One thing to keep in mind is to be flexible with your routines. Life changes! Which may change your whole routine, and that’s okay! You are not going to live the same day as The Truman Show.

Conclusion: Manage Your Time as A Homemaker

Managing your time as a Homemaker is essential. Time Blocking, Creating a To-Do List, & Having a Routine will ensure you’re using your time wisely and being productive. One thing to always allow is flexibility to a certain degree. As I said, life changes will happen. You will be in different seasons of life where what you did last month might not work this month. Being able to adjust to changes in life will help you remain in a routine. The great thing about being a Homemaker is you can create and change a routine whenever necessary. You can move tasks from one day to the next if you need more time to complete them.

If you just became a Homemaker, in this blog post, I share 6 Essential Homemaking Skills Every Homemaker Needs!

Thanks for being here with me today,


Saraa (:

Saraa Vega

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Hey there! My name is Saraa. I created the blog Pour Me a Glass to share all the tips & tricks to Homemaking, Building Your Faith, Health & Fitness, and Self-Improvement! My goal is to inspire you to create a joyful home and live a joyful and healthy life!

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