enjoy your time as a homemaker

12 Secrets to enjoy your time as a Homemaker

Oct, 11, 2023

This blog post is all about secrets to enjoy your time as a homemaker. 

What is a Homemaker? What does a Homemaker do? 

Before we move on to sharing the secrets to enjoy your time as a homemaker, let’s discuss what a homemaker is and what a homemaker does. 

A homemaker is a stay-at-home mom or wife who cares for the home and family!

AND YES, Homemaking is a Job. Homemakers are hardworking women who try their best to make their house into a Home! Homemakers pour themselves into their husbands and children’s lives. She is one who makes sure they are well taken care of. 

The roles of a Homemaker are SOO MANY! She’s a wife, a mom, a nurse, a helper, a teacher, a cook or baker or both, a gardener, a cleaner, an accountant, a counselor literally, EVERY Role you can think of is what a Homemaker is.

In this blog post, I share the responsibilities of a Homemaker if you’re curious!

Secrets to enjoy your time as a homemaker

Changing Your Mindset

Changing your mindset is the first secret to enjoy your time as a homemaker. Your mindset is an established set of attitudes of a person or a specific frame of mind or outlook. 

It can be difficult to change! 

Common negative mindsets homemakers have are that they’re “just a homemaker,” “just a stay-at-home mom,” “just doing laundry non-stop,” and “just a wife.” Or maybe you see people saying homemakers are lazy, just maids, oppressed by their husbands, leeching off their man.

Whatever negative thing you’ve heard can linger in your mind and make you feel inadequate as a Homemaker.

Homemakers often view their purpose in the home as meaningless. But it’s far from meaningless.

So, how do you change your mindset? 

First, it’s by reframing your thoughts. You can start by saying or writing down positive affirmations. Or by practicing gratitude, which we’ll go over later in this post!

You’re not just taking care of your family; you’re nurturing bonds by creating a fun and loving environment. You’re not just making another meal but nurturing your body and those in your household.

Your time at home, whether that’s being a wife or mom or both, MATTERS.

getting outside as a stay at home mom

Getting Outside

Going outside can seem like the biggest challenge ever, and sometimes, thinking of all the little ones crying, packing, and commuting can make you want to stay indoors. 

But TRUST ME! Get out of the house at least once a day, even if it’s just to your backyard! It will break up your day so it doesn’t seem long and monotonous. Your little ones will hopefully burn some energy while you gain some energy. 

The top 5 reasons why you should go outside

  1. Stress Reduction
  2. Vitamin D Production
  3. Maybe some good o’l social interaction with other adults
  4. Improved Mood & Sleep
  5. Better immune system

Invite people over

Invite people over seriously! Even if your home isn’t sparkling clean, invite people over. 

It’s essential to cultivate close friendships. I know it’s hard to have friends as adults, and sometimes it’s difficult to start new friendships. But it is SO important for your overall well-being. 

Even the most introverted person needs at least one friend they can rely on. 

So instead of using the excuse that my home is a mess, I don’t have time, what if I’m being annoying or they don’t have time? Come up with something that will work for both of you. 

I have a close friend who currently works and has a young baby girl; let me tell you, she’s busy! So, instead of waiting until she’s out of work or the weekend, I’ll make lunch and invite her over for her lunch break! 

Moms are in serious need of friends to combat loneliness

Learn financial strategies 

One of the biggest problems and stressors in marriage and life in general is finances. Finances can become a serious problem when it is not appropriately managed. 

It’s important to know where your money is going and what exactly is coming in. You might need to cut back a little more or create a budget that works for your household. You may also benefit from either using a budgeting app like the Dave Ramsey EveryDollar or a budget planner!

This one here is the BEST budget planner for beginners!

If you want your husband home more often, you should not swipe that card as often 😉

And it’s not even just that, but being diligent with money will set you up for success in the long term.

Get a Hobby

Seriously, get a hobby! 

You need a hobby for yourself. Something that you can claim. 

Just as your husband is in love with golfing and finds true enjoyment and satisfaction, you, too, should find something that brings you that much joy. 

You might think there is no time in this household where I can incorporate a Hobby; I am too busy. The thing is, life is busy. It will always be busy. So, be busy with things that bring you joy and fulfillment. 

Top 5 Hobbies for Homemakers

  1. Gardening
  2. Reading
  3. Taking on DIY Projects
  4. Hiking or Nature Walks
  5. Going to a Workout Class

Prioritize Your Time

A famous quote I love is, “Time is what we want most, but what we use worst.” — William Penn. 

If you ever feel like a busybody but accomplish nothing throughout the day, then it might be because you’re not using your time wisely. I’m a huge advocate for rest. But I’m also all about prioritizing your time and using it to your advantage. 

The more you prioritize your time, the more productive you will be throughout the day. You will become an efficient homemaker when you use your time to focus on the most important tasks. This ensures you allocate your time and energy to activities that yield the greatest results.

prioritizing self care by reading a good book and taking a bath

Practice Self-Care

Self-care looks different for everyone. One might look at self-care as having a great hair and skin routine, while self-care can mean reading a book or gardening for someone else. 

Self-care can be putting your kitchen to sleep or doing a quick 15-minute clean-up before heading to bed. 

Practicing self-care as a stay-at-home mom can prevent you from burnout. Honestly, once you reach the point of burnout, it requires so much time and effort to get back to your usual self! It’s also good to pamper yourself every once in a while.

Enjoy the Process of Slow Living

Embracing slow living can be extremely hard, especially for those Homemakers who are used to always doing something and having the NEED to be busy. 

Slow living is a type of lifestyle where you intentionally slow down and leave the rat race that the modern world once you to follow.

When you first start the process of enjoying slow living, it can feel like you’re wasting your time, like there is so much you are missing out on by not always keeping yourself busy. 

Ditching the modern life and embracing slow living has amazing benefits. For one, you’ll savor the present moments more often. You won’t be caught up on what’s next or rush from one thing to the next.

Find Solutions to Everyday Things

Find ways you can optimize your day by finding solutions to everyday things. For example, your home is a mess, but your little one isn’t going down for a nap, which means you aren’t getting anything done. A solution is to clean while your little one is up. Strap on a baby carrier, go around your home and tidy up. 

If you feel overstimulated and like you never get time for yourself. A solution might be to start waking up an hour before your kids and enjoy that alone time. 

If your laundry is piling up and you keep forgetting to load your washer in the morning, start loading it at night and schedule your washer to start later!

Be Adaptive

Change is inevitable. The ability to adapt can be extremely difficult. 

Adaptiveness means changing or modifying your outlook when there’s been either an external or internal change. 

If you set your mind to a specific lifestyle or certain ways of doing things, you are going to restrict new growth and significantly impact your health and well-being. You will also become highly frustrated that your life has changed, which again is inevitable! 

Adaptability helps you easily transition from one season of life to the next and reduces the emotional toll it could have on your mental health. 

Enjoy the season you are in 

Enjoying the seasons you are in, no matter how difficult it may be, is essential to enjoy your time as a homemaker. 

We always want to speed life up or start counting down the minutes until the next nap. But this will rob you of many memories and fill your life with stress and anxiety. 

I remember when I would count down the minutes until my little one’s nap time, and when she started fighting her nap, I would be STRESSED because she wasn’t going down. 

Once I started to enjoy this season of not having time for things I selfishly want, life became SO MUCH MORE ENJOYABLE!

It’s a season for a reason. It will pass.

Practice Gratitude 

There have been multiple studies now that link gratitude with better mental health and overall life satisfaction. 

To be able to enjoy your time as a Homemaker, cultivating an attitude of gratitude goes a long way!

Instead of thinking of what a drag it is to cook another meal, be thankful that you have the ability to open your fridge and whip up a yummy meal. Opening a refrigerator and having it full of food is taken for granted more than anything else. Be happy that you have the skills to fill all the little tummies that are running feral around the home. 

Another day, another load of laundry means your husband is able to go out, provide for the family, and make it back home safely. A widowed woman I once spoke to longed so hard for another load of her husband’s laundry. Ever since, I have never complained about doing my husband’s DIRTY laundry. I honestly think he rolls in the dirt. 

Conclusion: 12 Secrets to Enjoy Your Time as a Homemaker

You can do many things to enjoy your time as a Homemaker! Even when seasons are rough and seem never-ending, there is a light at the end of the tunnel. You are always in control of your outlook and attitude towards being a homemaker.

The 12 secrets to enjoy your time as a Homemaker

  1. Changing Your Mindset
  2. Get Outside
  3. Invite People Over
  4. Learn Financial Strategies
  5. Get a Hobby
  6. Prioritize Your Time
  7. Practice Self Care
  8. Enjoy Slow Living
  9. Find Solutions to Everyday Things
  10. Be Adaptive
  11. Enjoy the Season you are in
  12. Practice Gratitude

Saraa Vega

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Hey there! My name is Saraa. I created the blog Pour Me a Glass to share all the tips & tricks to Homemaking, Building Your Faith, Health & Fitness, and Self-Improvement! My goal is to inspire you to create a joyful home and live a joyful and healthy life!

GODS NAME | Exodus 3 : 13-15
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