
Welcome To Pour Me a Glass

Jan, 05, 2023

Hello there! Welcome to The Blog!! 

My name is Sara, but everyone in my family calls me Tati. I created this Welcome page so you can get a deeper insight into my life and who is behind running Pour Me a Glass ( if you’re interested, lol.) 

I am a stay-at-home wife/ farm wife & momma to be due on June 2023 (God Willing)! My main hobbies are gardening (even though the eczema on my hands doesn’t agree), baking, fitness, and blogging! I blog primarily about Living a Traditional Lifestyle with a focus on sharing Homemaking Tips, Cleaning & Organizing Hacks, Self-Care & Self-Improvement, and Staying Fit & Healthy! It’s a lot of topics to cover, but I am incredibly passionate about all of them. I believe that any woman who aspires to become a Homemaker (stay-at-home wife or momma)should not only take care of their home but also take care of themselves spiritually, physically, and mentally.   

One of the main reasons why I became interested in creating a blog to write about these topics is because you don’t see much Traditional Living or Homemaking content online. And while there may not be much content online, I believe many women and men still long to live this lifestyle. 

When I first became a Homemaker, I had yet to learn how to properly organize, cook, bake, or take care of myself. I was accustomed to getting up in the morning and changing to go to work, but when it came to staying at home, I didn’t know what to wear. And I knew for a FACT I didn’t want to live in athletic wear or PJs all day. I was also accustomed to working out past 9 PM, so changing that to the daytime was oddly complex. I gained more than 30-35 pounds, was stressed, couldn’t let go of my ego, and questioned my life purpose many times. It was a complete 360 lifestyle change from what I was accustomed to.  But before I discourage you from becoming a Homemaker, with all my issues, let me share with you the benefits I’ve reaped since becoming a stay-at-home wife. 

Being A Homemaker

  1. I officially built my relationship with God. I have never felt better-taken care of than now. There’s an intense joy that comes with serving God. It’s unmatchable! ( I didn’t grow up attending church, praying, or anything. My mom attempted to take us to many different churches, but it never stuck. We would be consistent for 1 month and forget about it for the next 4 years) 
  2. I have the freedom money can’t buy.
  3. I learned how to cook and bake from scratch.
  4. I’ve instilled in a simple life & self-sufficient lifestyle. By gardening, preserving, and canning, and also by wanting less. 
  5. I quit relying on money, materialism, and outside experiences to determine my level of success and happiness. 
  6. I’m joyful 98% of the time because I am living a life I love and less stressed from going to a job I do not like! 
  7. Most importantly, I’ve learned how to serve God & My Husband since they are my top priority in life. I believe my relationship is 10 million times better because I can dedicate more time to them than ever. 

I hope all aspiring stay-at-home wives or mommas understand that their role as a Homemaker matters. Traditional Living is not outdated, nor does it mean you’re being oppressed. It’s a way of living that helps families raise great children and focus on what matters!

So, Welcome to Pour Me a Glass!

Welcome: Pictures of Our Life

p.s: My Husband inspired the Name of The Blog. While I was sitting trying to brainstorm, he offered me a glass of red wine. And That’s where Pour Me a Glass comes from, lol. I actually don’t drink much. A bottle of red wine lasts a solid 2-3 years before it’s empty!

Saraa Vega

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Hey there! My name is Saraa. I created the blog Pour Me a Glass to share all the tips & tricks to Homemaking, Building Your Faith, Health & Fitness, and Self-Improvement! My goal is to inspire you to create a joyful home and live a joyful and healthy life!

GODS NAME | Exodus 3 : 13-15
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