working out

The Best Way to Start Working Out | 2023 Fitness Journey

Dec, 28, 2022

This blog post is all about The Best Way To Start Working Out! 

Everyone well into their fitness journey has once asked themselves, “What’s The Best Way to Start Working Out.” Seriously! Don’t feel left out and like the only person out there who doesn’t know where to begin.

I asked the same exact question twice!

The First time I started working out was in 2016. I was slightly underweight and wanted to gain weight and build muscle. Which all by the grace of God I did.

The second time around, in 2022, I was considered overweight and had to learn how to lose weight. The building muscle is still in the works, lol. (a lot of life-changing moments impacted my weight gain)

Whatever your reason for going to the gym, whether to gain weight or lose weight, we all ponder the same question! After 6 years of working out on and off, I want to share with you The Best Way to Start Working Out.

I want to preface this by saying I am not a medical professional. Everything in this blog post is from my own experience!

The best way to start working out

Quit Planning & Start Doing

Quit planning and start doing! Usually, on Sunday night, you get that spike of Dopamine and say this Monday, I am for sure working out and getting fit. So you pull your notebook out, look up some fit influencers on social media and jot down the workout you’ll be doing. And you say this time I am starting for real. Then Monday comes, and Monday goes… and you didn’t start because your Karen co-worker ruined the vibe.

The excuses you come up with only set YOU back, nobody else. Stop investing so much time in planning the workouts and dreaming about how you will look if you stick to it this time. Just do it! Even if you don’t know your workout or how to use the equipment, go. You’ll figure it out someday. For now, focus on just getting a workout in.

If You Don’t Know that’s Fine, You’ll Figure It Out

Honestly, you won’t know what you are doing in the first few weeks. And that is completely fine! You might not know how a certain machine works or how much you can lift, and that’s normal. But a few weeks from now, you will know! You will understand what workouts work better for you, what environment works for you, what workout equipment you like, and which ones to avoid, like the plague.

But to get to the “know,” you’ll have to quit planning all the time and actually start doing it and experimenting with your gym equipment. Every single individual has been through this. Trust me!

Use Free Resources to Get Your Workouts

It can be tempting to buy a fitness plan from your favorite fitness Instagram influencer, but I advise you to wait. For one, many of them are expensive, and you can get the same workouts online for free! Unless you’re signing up for a coached program, I would not look further into them. Save your money! 

You can get the same information for free on YouTube. YouTube has so many free workouts; there are also free workout programs to follow, which I highly recommend doing first! They alone will kick your butt, and you will be sore for days (learned from experience). The only thing you need is a set of dumbbells which you can find on Amazon.

My 3 favorite girls to watch on YouTube when I started working out to lose weight were.

1. MadFit – Her workouts vary from no equipment to dumbbell workouts, low-impact workouts to HITT. Seriously loved all of her workout videos

2. Heather Robertson – Loved Loved Loved! She has free workout plan videos and great music to her videos that get you in the zone.

3. Chloe Ting – I only watched her ab workout video, which was 10/10. You will feel the burn!! NO, you will not get abs in 2 weeks, FYI!

Walks are Your New Best Friend

Walks are so underrated! Walking alone can help you shed so much weight. If you want to avoid getting started lifting weights, then start walking. Either outside or on a treadmill, whatever your preference is.
If you choose to go on the treadmill, use the treadmills that display your walks using visuals like hiking, walking through Germany, France, Italy, etc. Oh, they are so fun, and you will lose track of time walking on them. It’s awesome.

I also recommend starting at 3 – 3.5mph at a 3.5- 5% incline.

Set a goal for the number of steps you want to complete every day and ensure you meet it.

Do Not Start Working Out Hard the First Week

Stay away from lifting heavy or going hardcore running! Seriously, don’t! It is not good for you or your muscles to suddenly shock them with heavy weights or, let alone, a run. This is the number one way to get an injury, and they are not fun.

If you start lifting heavy, you will likely be extremely sore the next day, which will only be an added excuse as to why you can’t go to the gym the next three days. Next thing you know, it’s been 3 months since you hit the gym.

Start easing little by little into lifting. I know you don’t want to seem weak by lifting a 5-pound weight, but nobody is thinking or judging you more than you are yourself. Everyone in the gym is focused on their body and weight.

Join Classes

Joining classes will keep you so motivated to continue working out. When you find a suitable class that fits your workout style, it’s pure bliss. It will also continue to motivate you, especially if you love the instructor. Classes are generally scheduled for the month, so this will give you a plan for what days you will be in this class.

The one I recommend starting on is Cycling or Barre. Cycling is for anyone who likes to jam out while working out! Finding an instructor with the best music playlist and voice will help you get through the class.

Barre class is a killer but excellent.

Take Progress Pictures

I wish I would’ve done this the first time I started to work out because you can easily forget how big or small you were when you started. Your mind can trick you into thinking that you haven’t progressed at all. Progress pictures are also so motivating, especially once you start seeing the change. It lights a fire inside of you.

You can either take daily pictures, weekly or even monthly pictures. If you are taking daily pictures, don’t compare yesterday’s picture to today’s. Instead, if you are comparing your progress pictures, compare one from today to one from two weeks ago. When taking daily photos, it can be hard to see the difference, hence why comparing after a few weeks is essential.

Stay Consistent

A diet and workout plan will only help you reach your goal if you are consistent. No matter how hard you work out that 1 day out of the week or how much broccoli you ate that one time it will only give you the results if you stay consistent.

If you cannot work out 5 or 6 times a week, then work out at least 3x a week. If you struggle to eat healthy every day, try eating healthy most of the week.

So eat the broccoli as often as possible and work out at least 3x a week.

Ask For Help

If you need clarification about how to use a machine, literally ask anyone at the gym, and they will be more than happy to assist. I have yet to meet someone that refuses to help or acts bitterly. Everyone at the gym is so kind and ready to help.

If you are wondering how to do a particular workout, ask for advice from someone whose in great shape. Even if you are curious about what supplements they take or what helped them get to the point, they will be more than happy to answer your questions.

Everyone loves talking about themselves and sharing knowledge! 😉

Conclusion: Working Out

Starting is the hardest thing you will encounter while working out. But it’s just like anything else starting a new job is hard and uncomfortable, learning a new skill is hard and uncomfortable, etc. However, the benefits you will reap should overpower the fear of starting. You have to go for it! There are many ways to start living healthy and incorporating fitness into your life. You have to find something you’re willing to stick with. From my experience, this is the best way to start working out.

Saraa Vega

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Hey there! My name is Saraa. I created the blog Pour Me a Glass to share all the tips & tricks to Homemaking, Building Your Faith, Health & Fitness, and Self-Improvement! My goal is to inspire you to create a joyful home and live a joyful and healthy life!

GODS NAME | Exodus 3 : 13-15
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